Tags: linear_algebra crypto 


# MPKC Writeup

### PlaidCTF 2020 - crypto 350 - 42 solves

#### Exploit

By searching based on the comments(`Jiahui Chen et al. cryptosystem, 80-bit security`), I found the [paper](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/053.pdf) which introduces efficient algorithm to crack multivariate quadratic polynomial based encyption scheme. My goal is simply follow the exploit plan(step 1 to 3) at section 3 of the paper.

#### Supporting result of 3.1 and STEP 1

Solve systems of m quadratic equation which is public keys. Find linear combination to get rid of quadratic terms.

Quad = []
for i in range(m):
coeffs = []
coeffs += [pk[i].coefficient(xs[j] ** 2) for j in range(n)]
coeffs += [pk[i].coefficient(xs[j] * xs[k]) for j, k in combinations(range(n), 2)]
Quad = matrix(FF, Quad)
# Evidence of 3.1: Linearly independent set of n - a degree-one polynomial
kernel_basis = Quad.kernel().basis()
assert len(kernel_basis) == n - a

#### STEP 2

By using basis obtained from STEP 1, get `n - a` linear polynomials `rs`.

rs = []
pk_vector = vector(pk)
for basis in kernel_basis:
assert len(rs) == n - a

#### STEP 3

Express `x{i}` where `i in range(q)` by `A{i}` where `i in range(a)`. Express `pk` by substituting `x{i}` by `A{i}`. `a = 10`, so bruteforcing values of `A{i}` became feasible. Brute each block of ciphertext, find `A{i}`. By knowing `A{i}`, I immediately know `x{i}` which is plaintext.

pt_A = []
# actual value of xs
pt = []

for blocknum, enc_block in enumerate(enc):
print('Brute block {} out of {}'.format(blocknum + 1, len(enc)))
d = vector(enc_block)

# particular solution
A = Matrix(FF, [[rs[i].coefficient(xs[j]) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n-a)])
b = vector([d.dot_product(kernel_basis[i]) - rs[i].constant_coefficient() for i in range(n-a)])
x_p = A.solve_right(b)
A_kernel = A.right_kernel().basis_matrix()

RA = PolynomialRing(FF, ["A{}".format(i) for i in range(a)])
As = RA.gens()
[A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9] = As
x_sub = []

# Express xs by As
for i, col in enumerate(A_kernel.columns()):
# Add homogenous sol with particular sol
x_sub.append(vector(col).dot_product(vector(As)) + FF(x_p[i]))

# Sanity check
for i, basis in enumerate(kernel_basis):
eq = d.dot_product(basis) - rs[i].constant_coefficient()
coeffs = [FF(rs[i].coefficient(xs[j])) * x_sub[j] for j in range(n)]
assert sum(coeffs) == eq

# Is there a better way? :C
# Express pk by As by substitution
pk_sub = []
for i in range(m):
sub = []
# Quadratic term
sub += [FF(pk[i].coefficient(xs[j] ** 2)) * (x_sub[j] ** 2) for j in range(n)]
sub += [FF(pk[i].coefficient(xs[j] * xs[k])) * (x_sub[j] * x_sub[k]) for j, k in combinations(range(n), 2)]
# linear term
sub += [FF(pk[i].monomial_coefficient(xs[j])) * x_sub[j] for j in range(n)]
# constant
sub += [FF(pk[i].constant_coefficient())]

found = False
for A_cand in product(range(q), repeat=a):
if found:
for i in range(m):
cand = FF(pk_sub[i](*A_cand))
if cand == d[i]:
if i == m - 1:
print('As = ', A_cand)
found = True

# Plug in values of As to xs which is plaintext
pt_block = []
for x_sub_elem in x_sub:
sub = []
sub += [FF(x_sub_elem.coefficient(As[i])) * pt_A[-1][i] for i in range(a)]
sub += [FF(x_sub_elem.constant_coefficient())]
print('xs = ', pt_block)

flag = combine_blocks(pt)

I get flag:


Original problem: [gen.sage](gen.sage), [output](output)

Exploit code: [solve.sage](solve.sage) requiring [output.sage](output.sage)

Original writeup (https://github.com/pcw109550/write-up/tree/master/2020/PlaidCTF/MPKC).