
ransomeware that takes flag.gif and "encrypts" it.

the "encrypt" is an xor character by character with a key that is as long as the file itself..

they provided an encrypted flag.gif file for us to decrypt.

the key is seeded with a timestamp. so we need the time that it was encrypted to be able to create the key to decrypt it.

they provided us with a pcap that sends an epoch timestamp over the socket it's communicating with.

timestamp: 1585599106

created a decrypter to use the seed value and xor the encrypted file with all the rand values and writes to flag.gif.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main () {
int i, c;
FILE *enc, *decrypt;
int len;
/* Intializes random number generator */
enc = fopen("flag-gif.EnCiPhErEd", "rb");
decrypt = fopen("flag-decrypt.gif", "wb");
fseek(enc, 0, 2);
len = ftell(enc);
fseek(enc, 0, 0);
while ((c = getc(enc)) != EOF) {
putc(c ^ rand(), decrypt);

output was a gif that has the flag written inside the ship's sail:


Original writeup (https://github.com/C-Brown/CTFs/blob/master/WPICTF2020/reversing/NotWannasigh.md).