
[Original writeup](https://bigpick.github.io/TodayILearned/articles/2020-04/wpictf_writeups#pr3s3n70r)

Searching google for “r2con2019” leads us to a twitter results page for `#r2con2019` as the second result.

Clicking that, and sorting the results by “latest”, we see that (at the time of writing this) [the fourth most recent tweet is about the author of the challenge](https://twitter.com/radareorg/status/1228285126330781696)!

> Published another #r2con2019 talk: “Object Diversification with my help (r2)” - by Alex Gaines - https://t.co/EZmSqQP8zd?amp=1

Going to that link at the end brings us to a youtube video of the author’s talk at r2con2019 (nice).

I was a bit tripped up here, as I though the “sort by new” hint was a one time deal, as we did it already for the tweets. However, if we sort the comments on this youtube video by latest, we see what looks to be the flag (*almost*):


If we look through the slides, or watch the video, we see that he refers to his code bits as “cruftables”, so we can try that as the flag, and it works.

Flag is `WPI{@wg_1s4ch@ncruftables}`.