


This is the last challenge of a 4-part series: `EZ PZ LEMON SQUEEZY`

And turns out, it is easy peasy lemon squeezy!

We are given a [python script](pass3.py). It asks for a password, and if you get it wrong, well you'll have to deal with this:

$ py pass3.py
Enter the password: no
Incorrect password!
sowwy but now you gunnu have to listen to me spweak in cat giwrl speak uwu~
pwease enter youwr password... uwu~ nya!!: nooooooo
sowwy but that wasnt quite rwight nya~... pwease twy again
pwease enter youwr password... uwu~ nya!!:

Let's reverse engineer it!

def checkpass():
userinput = input("Enter the password: ")
key = "meownyameownyameownyameownyameownya"
a = woah(key,userinput)
b = str.encode(a)
result = base64.b64encode(b, altchars=None)
if result == b'HxEMBxUAURg6I0QILT4UVRolMQFRHzokRBcmAygNXhkqWBw=':
return True
return False

It takes a password as input, then does a bunch of stuff with it, and if the result is `b'HxEMBxUAURg6I0QILT4UVRolMQFRHzokRBcmAygNXhkqWBw='` you have the right password.

Let's do this in reverse! The end result is base64 decoded:

result = base64.b64encode(b, altchars=None)

To do the reverse, we decode it with base64.

from base64 import *

encPass = b'HxEMBxUAURg6I0QILT4UVRolMQFRHzokRBcmAygNXhkqWBw='
part = b64decode(encPass)

We do the same thing with the next bit: do the reverse!

b = str.encode(a)

part = part.decode()

We have a new function `woah()`:

a = woah(key,userinput)

`woah` just performs a bitwise `xor` with both operands.

def woah(s1,s2):
return ''.join(chr(ord(a) ^ ord(b)) for a,b in zip(s1,s2))

And because we have the key:

key = "meownyameownyameownyameownyameownya"

...we can decrypt it!

def woah(s1,s2):
return ''.join(chr(ord(a) ^ ord(b)) for a,b in zip(s1,s2))

key = "meownyameownyameownyameownyameownya"
flag = woah(part, key)


Flag: `rtcp{y0u_L3fT_y0uR_x0r_K3y_bEh1nD!}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/Jord4563/CTF-writeups/tree/master/HouseplantCTF2020/squeezy).