Tags: web htaccess apache 


# Check IN

## Description

The web app had file upload functionality. User files uploads to the: /uploads/[md5(REMOTE_ADDR)]/

And all sending content passes via the following filters:
$black = file_get_contents($tmp_name);
if (!$tmp_name) {
$result1 ="???";
}else if (!$name) {
$result1 ="filename cannot be empty!";
else if (preg_match("/ph|ml|js|cg/i", $name)) {
$result1 = "filename error";
else if (!in_array($_FILES["fileUpload"]['type'], $typeAccepted)) {
$result1 = 'filetype error';
else if (preg_match("/perl|pyth|ph|auto|curl|base|>|rm|ruby|openssl|war|lua|msf|xter|telnet/i",$black)){
$result1 = "perl|pyth|ph|auto|curl|base|>|rm|ruby|openssl|war|lua|msf|xter|telnet in contents!";

# Solution

We had to deal with the apache server and could upload the ".htaccess" file to change the apache configuration settings for our folder.

After tring CGI script, RewriteRules, Indexes, server-status, server-info and etc. that could be helpful, we found that htaccess files supports multi lines like:

ndler server-status

It means, that we could bypass the filter and configure `PHP` interpreter to work with other extensions:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-p\
hp .foo

There was only one problem, that we should use `

Original writeup (https://github.com/empty-jack/ctf-writeups/blob/master/De1CTF/web-check-in.md).