# whitebox crypto (rev 20)
So we have an [executable](../xtea)
Problem statement
Do not panic, it's only XTEA! I wonder what the key was...
Little bit of google we get this piece of code from [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XTEA)
void encipher(unsigned int num_rounds, uint32_t v[2], uint32_t const key[4]) {
unsigned int i;
uint32_t v0=v[0], v1=v[1], sum=0, delta=0x9E3779B9;
for (i=0; i < num_rounds; i++) {
v0 += (((v1 << 4) ^ (v1 >> 5)) + v1) ^ (sum + key[sum & 3]);
sum += delta;
v1 += (((v0 << 4) ^ (v0 >> 5)) + v0) ^ (sum + key[(sum>>11) & 3]);
v[0]=v0; v[1]=v1;
Given file
$ file ./xtea
./xtea: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=331f96cc8eefbf07d5752cf9e8cf4facb32ba8ff, not stripped
A little bit of analysis shows we have to give something as argv[1] of length 16 as input
4a584fe6 116e650b
It returns the input "encrypted". We have to find the key.
The code from Wikipedia says key[4] would be having 4 blocks of length 4. So the key is of length 16.
sum=0 at the start of the process and it cumulatively adds delta to it which is added to key[i] in some fashion.
We see an encipher function in the file.
gdb-peda$ pdisass encipher
Dump of assembler code for function encipher:
0x00000000004005a0 <+0>: mov ecx,DWORD PTR [rdi+0x4]
0x00000000004005a3 <+3>: push r12
0x00000000004005a5 <+5>: push rbp
0x00000000004005a6 <+6>: push rbx
0x00000000004005a7 <+7>: mov edx,ecx
0x00000000004005a9 <+9>: mov eax,ecx
0x00000000004005ab <+11>: shr edx,0x5
0x00000000004005ae <+14>: shl eax,0x4
0x00000000004005b1 <+17>: xor eax,edx
0x00000000004005b3 <+19>: add eax,ecx
0x00000000004005b5 <+21>: xor eax,0x7b707868
0x00000000004005ba <+26>: add eax,DWORD PTR [rdi]
0x00000000004005bc <+28>: mov r10d,eax
0x00000000004005bf <+31>: mov edx,eax
0x00000000004005c1 <+33>: shl eax,0x4
0x00000000004005c4 <+36>: shr r10d,0x5
0x00000000004005c8 <+40>: xor r10d,eax
0x00000000004005cb <+43>: add r10d,edx
0x00000000004005ce <+46>: xor r10d,0x1b58ea2e
0x00000000004005d5 <+53>: lea r11d,[r10+rcx*1]
0x00000000004005d9 <+57>: mov r9d,r11d
0x00000000004005dc <+60>: mov eax,r11d
0x00000000004005df <+63>: shl eax,0x4
0x00000000004005e2 <+66>: shr r9d,0x5
0x00000000004005e6 <+70>: xor r9d,eax
0x00000000004005e9 <+73>: add r9d,r11d
0x00000000004005ec <+76>: xor r9d,0xba9ae30
0x00000000004005f3 <+83>: lea eax,[r9+rdx*1]
0x00000000004005f7 <+87>: mov r12d,eax
0x00000000004005fa <+90>: mov edx,eax
0x00000000004005fc <+92>: shl edx,0x4
0x00000000004005ff <+95>: shr r12d,0x5
0x0000000000400603 <+99>: xor r12d,edx
0x0000000000400606 <+102>: add r12d,eax
0x0000000000400609 <+105>: xor r12d,0x9bd661db
0x0000000000400610 <+112>: lea r10d,[r12+r11*1]
0x0000000000400614 <+116>: mov r8d,r10d
0x0000000000400617 <+119>: mov edx,r10d
0x000000000040061a <+122>: shl edx,0x4
0x000000000040061d <+125>: shr r8d,0x5
0x0000000000400621 <+129>: xor r8d,edx
0x0000000000400624 <+132>: add r8d,r10d
0x0000000000400627 <+135>: xor r8d,0x9bd661db
0x000000000040062e <+142>: lea r9d,[r8+rax*1]
0x0000000000400632 <+146>: mov ebp,r9d
0x0000000000400635 <+149>: mov eax,r9d
0x0000000000400638 <+152>: shl eax,0x4
0x000000000040063b <+155>: shr ebp,0x5
0x000000000040063e <+158>: xor ebp,eax
0x0000000000400640 <+160>: add ebp,r9d
0x0000000000400643 <+163>: xor ebp,0x4818a1a2
0x0000000000400649 <+169>: lea r12d,[rbp+r10*1+0x0]
Looking at it we can say the key is hardcoded here.
So we start with sum=0 and keep it increasing by delta .The hardcoded values in hex are (sum + key[sum & 3]) and (sum + key[(sum>>11) & 3])
Little bit of unpacking to do.
>>> from pwn import *
>>> p32(0x7b707868)
>>> delta=0x9e3779b9
>>> p32((0x1b58ea2e-delta)&0xffffffff)
>>> p32((0xba9ae30-delta)&0xffffffff)
>>> p32((0x9bd661db-delta*2)&0xffffffff)
gives us flag