Tags: number_theory ecc 


# notbefooled

## Problem statement

In this task, we are talking to a service with the following code:
from sage.all import *
from threshold import set_threshold
import random

FLAG = open("/flag", "r").read()

def launch_attack(P, Q, p):
E = P.curve()
Eqp = EllipticCurve(Qp(p, 8), [ZZ(t) for t in E.a_invariants()])

P_Qps = Eqp.lift_x(ZZ(P.xy()[0]), all=True)
for P_Qp in P_Qps:
if GF(p)(P_Qp.xy()[1]) == P.xy()[1]:

Q_Qps = Eqp.lift_x(ZZ(Q.xy()[0]), all=True)
for Q_Qp in Q_Qps:
if GF(p)(Q_Qp.xy()[1]) == Q.xy()[1]:

p_times_P = p * P_Qp
p_times_Q = p * Q_Qp

x_P, y_P = p_times_P.xy()
x_Q, y_Q = p_times_Q.xy()

phi_P = -(x_P / y_P)
phi_Q = -(x_Q / y_Q)
k = phi_Q / phi_P

return ZZ(k) % p

def attack(E, P, Q):
private_key = launch_attack(P, Q, E.order())
return private_key * P == Q

def input_int(msg):
s = input(msg)
return int(s)

def curve_agreement(threshold):
print("Give me the coefficients of your curve in the form of y^2 = x^3 + ax + b mod p with p greater than %d:" % threshold)
a = input_int("\ta = ")
b = input_int("\tb = ")
p = input_int("\tp = ")
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [a, b])
if p >= threshold and E.order() == p:
P = random.choice(E.gens())
print("Deal! Here is the generator: (%s, %s)" % (P.xy()[0], P.xy()[1]))
return E, P
raise ValueError
except Exception:
print("I don't like your curve. See you next time!")

def receive_publickey(E):
print("Send me your public key in the form of (x, y):")
x = input_int("\tx = ")
y = input_int("\ty = ")
Q = E(x, y)
return Q
except TypeError:
print("Your public key is invalid.")

def banner():
with open("/banner", "r") as f:

def main():
threshold = set_threshold()
E, P = curve_agreement(threshold)
Q = receive_publickey(E)
if attack(E, P, Q):
print("I know your private key. It's not safe. No answer :-)")
print("Here is the answer: %s" % FLAG)

if __name__ == "__main__":
In other words, we have the following setting:
1. Server chooses and sends a large `threshold` (consistently `threshold > 2**200`).
2. Client chooses and sends `a`, `b`, and `p`,
which define an elliptic curve `E(x) = x^3 + ax + b` over `Z/pZ`.
3. Server verifies that `a`, `b` define an elliptic curve and that
a. `p >= threhold`
b. `E.order() == p`.
4. Server chooses and sends a generator `P` of `E`.
5. Client chooses a private key `k` and sends the respective public key `Q = k * P`.
6. Server mounts an attack.
The client gets the flag if the attack **fails** to recover the private key `k`.

## Analysis

It is reasonably easy to find that curves for which 3b holds are called **anomalous**
and have interesting properties: in particular, they are weak to a so-called Smart's attack [[1]](#References),
which is exactly what `launch_attack` here implements.

In a nutshell, a curve `E` over `Zmod(p)` can be _lifted_
to a curve `E` over the p-adic rationals `Qp(p)`.
This lift is a homomorphism with respect to multiplication,
and it turns out that ECDLP is easy over `Qp(p)`.

Popular literature generally does not mention any failure modes of this attack:
this is because, in a sense, it "doesn't have any":
a _sufficiently smart_ implementation will succeed against every anomalous curve.

So the flaw must be in the implementation, and [[2]](#References) points in the same direction:
the same code as `launch_attack`, given in that post, fails in the case
EllipticCurve(Qp(p, 8), [ZZ(t) for t in E.a_invariants()])
gives a **canonical lift** of `E` from `Zmod(p)` to `Qp(p)`.
It turns out Smart's original paper [[3]](#References) mentions this fact in passing.
It is not significant in general because a smart implementation will try random lifts:
EllipticCurve(Qp(p, 8), [ZZ(t) + randint(0,p)*p for t in E.a_invariants()])
until it succeeds.
A randomly chosen lift has a `1/p` chance of failing, which is negligible.

So our goal is to exploit the fact that our adversary only tries
the trivial lift: the one with the same `a`-invariants as the original curve.
This is where this challenge became difficult:
my mathematical background was insufficient to exploit this.
There is a fairly detailed explanation [[4]](#References) of how to generate general anomalous curves,
but it is not clear which additional constraints are needed to ensure that the trivial lift is canonical.

In the end, I consulted an [authority in the field](https://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~ajmeneze),
who pointed me to the fact that a zero `j`-invariant (like in the curve in [[2]](#References)) is sufficient.
With this in mind, we can simply implement the `D = 3` case from [4], which is disregarded in the paper
as an edge case (formulae differ when `j = 0`).

## Solution

import math
import random

from sage.all import *
from pwn import *

def curve_from_prime(p):
# a = 0 ensures j-invariant zero.
# Don't know a smarter way to choose b...
while True:
b = random.randint(1, p-1)
print(f"try b = {b}")
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [0, b])
if E.order() == p:
print(f"chose b = {b}")
return E

def anomalous_prime(pmin):
k = int(math.log2(pmin)) + 1
m = 2**(k//2)
while True:
print(f"try m = {m}")
p = 27 * m**2 + 1
if p % 4 == 0:
p = ZZ(p // 4)
if p.is_prime():
print(f"chose p = {p}")
return p
m += 1

def main():
r = remote("notbefoooled.challenges.ooo", 5000)
r.recvuntil("greater than ")
pmin = int(r.recvline()[:-2])
print(f"requiring p >= {pmin}")

p = anomalous_prime(pmin=pmin)
E = curve_from_prime(p)
a, b = E.a4(), E.a6()

r.sendlineafter("a = ", str(a))
r.sendlineafter("b = ", str(b))
r.sendlineafter("p = ", str(p))

r.recvuntil("the generator: (")
gen_x = r.recvuntil(",")[0:-1]
gen_y = r.recvuntil(")")[1:-1]
gen = E(int(gen_x), int(gen_y))

priv = random.randint(1, p-1)
pub = priv * gen
pub_x, pub_y = pub.xy()

r.sendlineafter("x = ", str(pub_x))
r.sendlineafter("y = ", str(pub_y))


if __name__ == "__main__":

## References

[1] https://wstein.org/edu/2010/414/projects/novotney.pdf

[2] https://crypto.stackexchange.com/q/70454

[3] https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s001459900052.pdf

[4] http://www.monnerat.info/publications/anomalous.pdf

Original writeup (https://github.com/dshynkev/ctf-writeups/tree/master/2020/defcon-quals/crypto/notbefooled).