
##by TheJH (Reversing)

> Instead of sitting in the classroom, let's go to the zoo today and look at some strange animals!
You'll need a license key for entering though. Can you make one?

> connect to school.fluxfingers.net:1532

Due to a silly coding bug I didn't succeed to get the flag from the server on time, however I still make a writeup for this cool challenge.

## The SIGILL handler
The program starts by installing the handler for SIGILL then requiring user name and license code. It reads those information from *stdout* (not from stdin as usual) and do the checking.
The SIGILL handler code is quite interesting:

.text:00400083 mov esp, 0FFFFE000h
.text:00400088 mov eax, 13 ; rt_sigaction
.text:0040008D mov edi, 4 ; SIGILL
.text:00400092 mov rsi, offset _4001A7 ; pointer to struct sigaction
.text:0040009C mov edx, 0
.text:004000A1 mov r10d, 8

The address **0x4001A7** is the location of the ```struct sigaction``` provided by the program.

struct sigaction {
__sighandler_t sa_handler;
unsigned long sa_flags;
__sigrestore_t sa_restorer;
sigset_t sa_mask; /* mask last for extensibility */

Let's have a look at this data structure:

.text:004001A7 _4001A7 dq offset _40028C ; handler function
.text:004001AF dq 44000004h ; flags
.text:004001B7 dq offset _400271 ; restorer

The flags value **0x44000004** has **SA_SIGINFO** bit (0x00000004) turned on indicating that the function at **0x40028C** is a sigaction function with the following prototype:

void (*_sa_sigaction)(int signum, struct siginfo *info, void *context);

Let's dig deeper:
.text:0040028C add rdx, 0A8h ; rdx -> context, (rdx + 0xA8) -> the value of
; rip that raises the signal
.text:00400293 mov rax, [rdx] ; rax = value of rip that raises the signal
.text:00400296 mov ebx, 0FFFC0F00h ; store the previous rip where SIGILL were raised
.text:0040029B cmp [rbx], rax
.text:0040029E mov [rbx], rax
.text:004002A1 jnz short _4002A8 ; rdx -> cs
.text:004002A3 add qword ptr [rdx], 7 ; skip 7 bytes to the next instruction
.text:004002A7 retn
.text:004002A8 _4002A8:
.text:004002A8 add rdx, 10h ; rdx -> cs
.text:004002AC xor qword ptr [rdx], 12h ; switch between x86 mode and x64 mode
.text:004002B0 retn

So for each instruction that raises **SIGILL**, this handler switches between x86 mode and x64 mode and also changes privileges (by XORing the **cs** segment register with **0x12**), then executes that instruction again. If SIGILL is still raised then the handler skips 7 bytes to go to the next instruction.

## The fork call
After reading user name and license code, the program invokes the **fork** call:
.text:00400260 mov eax, 57
.text:00400265 syscall ; fork
.text:00400267 test eax, eax
.text:00400269 jz _4001C7 ; is child process, goto _4001C7
.text:0040026F _40026F:
.text:0040026F jmp short _40026F ; infinite loop for parent process

Then the parent process goes to the infinite loop at **0x40026F**, while the child process continues its work explained by the following pseudo code:

ppid = getppid(); // Get parent process ID
ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, ppid, NULL, NULL); // Attach to parent process
wait4(ppid, NULL, 0, NULL); // Wait until the parent process breaks.
offsetof(struct user, regs.eip),
0x04002B1); // Write 0x4002B1 into register eip of the parent process
ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, ppid, NULL, NULL);

So the child process just changes the register **eip** of the parent process to **0x4002B1**. The parent process then continues its execution from **0x4002B1**.

## The license code checking
The license code checking is explained by the pseudo code below:

char *license; // Liscense code is stored here
char *name; // Name stored here
ev = eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK | EFD_SEMAPHORE); // Initialize the eventfd
DWORD f1 = (*(DWORD*)name) ^ 0x0023002B ^ (*(DWORD*)license);

DWORD prev_x = 0;
DWORD prev_y = 0;
char *s = license + 3;
do {
DWORD s0 = ((DWORD)s[0] + 0xE0) & 0x3F);
DWORD s1 = ((DWORD)s[1] + 0xE0) & 0x3F);
DWORD s2 = ((DWORD)s[2] + 0xE0) & 0x3F);
DWORD sum = (s0 << 12) | (s2 << 6) ^ s1;
x = sum & 0x1FF; // The lower 9-bit
y = sum >> 9; // The higher 9-bit
s += 3;
dx = abs(x - prev_x);
dy = abs(y - prev_y);
if (dx == 0) {
QWORD chk = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 2)
chk += *(WORD*)(name + i); // Get name's checksum
chk &= 0xFFFF; // Get the lower 16-bit
DWORD H1 = (chk & 0xFF + 0x100);
DWORD H2 = (chk >> 8 + 0x100);

QWORD h = (H1 ^ prev_x) | (H2 ^ prev_y);
write(ev, &h, 8); // Write value of h to ev
break; // Now check the result
else {
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
QWORD h = 1;
if (dx | dy == 3 && dx ^ dy == 3)
h = 0;
if (dx & dy & 0xFFFFFFFC)
h = 2;
write(ev, &h, 8);
} while (dx != 0);

// Check the result
if (f1 || read(ev, &h, 8) == 8)
display("nope, that is not valid\n");

For each 3 characters from the license the program calculates the value of **x** and **y** and performs the check based on those values and the values calculated from the the previous iteration.

The program only displays flag if **f1 == 0** and the last read of **ev** returns error.

> If the eventfd counter is zero at the time of the call to **read**, then the call either blocks until the counter becomes nonzero (at which time, the **read** proceeds as described above) or fails with the error EAGAIN if the file descriptor has been made nonblocking.

Here are our targets:

* to make **f1 == 0**: We just need to generate the first 4 bytes of the license code by simple XOR operations.
* to make the program always **write** the value of **0x0** (QWORD) to **ev**.

There are 2 locations the program writes to **ev**. Let's examine the first location, when **dx == 0**:
DWORD H1 = (chk & 0xFF + 0x100); // H1 and H2 are generated from user name's checksum
DWORD H2 = (chk >> 8 + 0x100);
QWORD h = (H1 ^ prev_x) | (H2 ^ prev_y);
write(ev, &h, 8);

For the value written to **ev** being equal zero we should have **H1 == prev_x** and **H2 == prev_y**. So the last values of **x** and **y** can be generated from name's checksum.

Let's examine the 2nd location of the **write** operation, when **dx > 0**:
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
QWORD h = 1;
if (dx | dy == 3 && dx ^ dy == 3)
h = 0;
if (dx & dy & 0xFFFFFFFC)
h = 2;
write(ev, &h, 8);

We realize that there are few combinations of (dx, dy) that will cause the value of **0x0** (QWORD) written to **ev**:

* (dx, dy) = (1, 2)
* (dx, dy) = (2, 1)
* (dx, dy) = (3, 0)

## Generating license code from name
The first 4 bytes of license can be easily generated:

char *license;
char *name; // Name stored here

*(DWORD*)license = *(DWORD*)name ^ 0x0023002B;

The remain of the license is generated as described below:

* Step 1: Initially prev_x = 0, prev_y = 0
* Step 2: Generate 3 license characters so that **x == prev_x + dx**, **y == prev_y + dy**, where (dx, dy) can be one of the following values:
* (dx, dy) = (1, 2)
* (dx, dy) = (2, 1)
* (dx, dy) = (3, 0)
* Step 3: If we have **x == H1** and **y == H2**: just replicate the last 3 characters of the license and we finish. Otherwise back to step 2

Let's assume:

* A is the number of times (dx, dy) == (1, 2)
* B is the number of times (dx, dy) == (2, 1)
* C is the number of times (dx, dy) == (3, 0)

We should solve the following equation:

* A + 2B + 3C = H1
* 2A + B = H2

That's where **z3** comes to play!

## The license generation code
We use Python and z3 to create our license generation. Here's the [source file](https://github.com/duc-le/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2015_hack.lu_CTF/%2324_Zoo/gen.py)

Please note that for some names we cannot find the appropriated license code.

Below is an example of the succeeded generation:

> hello hndlpcngfdlnhg!

> starting the license checker for you...

> your name: your license code:

> flag{this is flag, plz submit me}

> wrapper: read from child

So the flag is **flag{this is flag, plz submit me}**

Original writeup (https://github.com/duc-le/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2015_hack.lu_CTF/%2324_Zoo/writeup.md).