Tags: rev 


# TJCTF 2020


> 60
> I heard [ASMR](asmr.asm) is a big hit on the internet!
> Written by KyleForkBomb

Tags: _rev_ _x86-64_ _xor_

## Summary

Assembly the code, start up the service, put in the correct password, get an audio file, listen to the flag.

> I was just informed via Discord that this challenge was changed part way through the CTF. This is a write up of the original challenge, including the original source.

## Analysis

### Build, Test, Play


nasm -o asmr.o -f elf64 asmr.asm
ld -o asmr asmr.o


# ./asmr

Nothing. Test again:

# strace ./asmr
execve("./asmr", ["./asmr"], 0x7ffcc3587830 /* 14 vars */) = 0
setsockopt(3, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, "\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8) = 0
bind(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(1337), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
listen(3, 1) = 0
accept(3, NULL, NULL

Ah, a network service, so:

# nc localhost 1337
Enter password:

There are two checks: _is the input `0x11` (17) characters_ (16 characters for the password + `\n`), and, _is the password `yellow_sunflower`_:

cmp rax, 0x11 <--- length
jne label5
lea rax, [rbp-0x50]
cmp BYTE [rax+16], 0x0a
jne label5
mov BYTE [rax+16], 0x00
jmp label2
xor BYTE [rax], 0x69 <--- xor 0x69 with (yellow_sunflower)
inc rax |
label2: |
cmp BYTE [rax], 0x00 |
jne label1 |
mov rax, 0x1a361e0605050c10 <---------------+
cmp QWORD [rbp-0x50], rax |
jne label5 |
mov rax, 0x1b0c1e06050f071c <---------------+

From python:

>>> bytes.fromhex(hex(int('0x' + '69' * 16,16) ^ 0x1b0c1e06050f071c1a361e0605050c10)[2:])[::-1]

> To find the above quickly I just used GDB and followed the code execution. Once I saw the `xor 0x69`, I just xor'd the entire binary and used `strings` to get the password.

After entering the correct password, a binary stream is emitted:

Ogg data, Vorbis audio, mono, 8000 Hz, ~28000 bps, created by: Xiph.Org libVorbis I

[Listen](foo) and get the flag.

## Solve

# ./asmr & sleep 1; echo "yellow_sunflower" | nc localhost 1337 | dd bs=16 skip=1 >foo
# play foo

> This dude is seriously creepy.



Original writeup (https://github.com/datajerk/ctf-write-ups/blob/master/tjctf2020/asmr/README.md).