

Alright, this was a really fun assembly reversing challenge. If you don't know much about x86 or x86_64 assembly, I would highly recommend watching these tutorials. The first tutorial teaches you how to compile assembly code using nasm.

We are given the assembly source of the binary. You can compile it like so:

sudo apt-get install nasm
nasm -f elf64 -o asmr.o asmr.asm
ld asmr.o -o asmr

The first thing I noticed was that there are a lot of different system calls I don't even know about.

mov rax, 0x29
mov rdi, 0x02
mov rsi, 0x01
mov rdx, 0x00

The ID of a system call is stored in rax. I already knew four of from the tutorial above, but I didn't know about any others. Here's some basic ones for you:

I found a table with all the linux system calls online after some searching. I know that the system call ID is stored in rax, so I converted hex 0x29 to decimal form, and looked up the code on the site.

Looks like the program creates a socket. I ran strace on the executable to see what port it's running on.

$ strace ./asmr
execve("./asmr", ["./asmr"], 0x7ffefc3d90d0 /* 42 vars */) = 0
setsockopt(3, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, "\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8) = 0
bind(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(1337), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
listen(3, 1)                            = 0
accept(3, NULL, NULL

Looks like it's running on port 1337. Nice.

If you aren't using strace, you can just as easily reverse the assembly code to see what port it's running on. See code below.

    push    rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    sub rsp, 0x50
    mov rax, 0x29 ## sys_socket
    mov rdi, 0x02
    mov rsi, 0x01
    mov rdx, 0x00
    syscall ## create socket
    mov QWORD [rbp-0x10], rax
    mov rax, 0x36 ## sys_setsockopt
    mov rdi, QWORD [rbp-0x10]
    mov rsi, 0x01
    mov rdx, 0x02
    mov QWORD [rbp-0x50], 0x01
    lea r10, [rbp-0x50]
    mov r8, 0x08
    mov rax, 0x31 ## sys_bind
    mov rdi, QWORD [rbp-0x10]
    push    0x00
    mov bx, 0x0539 ## port 1337
    xchg    bh, bl
    shl ebx, 0x10
    mov bx, 0x02
    push    rbx
    mov rsi, rsp
    add rsp, 0x10
    mov rdx, 0x10
    mov rax, 0x32 ## sys_listen
    mov rsi, 0x01
    mov rax, 0x2b ## sys_accept
    mov rsi, 0x00
    mov rdx, 0x00

I went ahead and connected to the port using nc, while the executable was running.

jordan@notyourcomputer:~$ nc 1337
Enter password:

It looks like it's asking for a password. What's next?

Well, let's keep dissecting the code.

I fond out that the next bit of code just sends out Enter password: to the socket. It stores the hex bytes of each character on the stack, and then calls sys_write with the pointer to the string in rsi and the pointer to the socket in rdi

mov QWORD [rbp-0x08], rax
mov rbx, 0x6170207265746e45 ## Enter pa
mov QWORD [rbp-0x50], rbx
mov rbx, 0x203a64726f777373 ## ssword:
mov QWORD [rbp-0x48], rbx
mov rax, 0x01 ## sys_write
mov rdi, QWORD [rbp-0x08]
lea rsi, [rbp-0x50]
mov rdx, 0x10
syscall ##  Write "Enter password: " to socket

The next piece of code reads 64 bytes of user input.

mov rax, 0x00 ## sys_read
lea rsi, [rbp-0x50] ## Huh? We are overwriting the "Enter password: " string!
                       ## Must be being reused to store input from user
                       ## It is stored 80 bytes below the base pointer
                       ## [rbp-0x50] is where the inputted password is stored
mov rdx, 0x40 ## read 64 bytes of data
syscall ## get the data!

This is where I got confused for a bit.

cmp rax, 0x11
jne label5

rax has to be equal to 0x11, or else the program jumps to label5.

Looking at the code in label5, all it does is send out Nope!\n to the socket.

label5: ## Password is incorrect if program jumps here
    mov rbx, 0x0a2165706f4e ## "Nope!\n"
    mov QWORD [rbp-0x50], rbx
    mov rax, 0x01 ## sys_write
    mov rdi, QWORD [rbp-0x08]
    lea rsi, [rbp-0x50]
    mov rdx, 0x06
    syscall ## write "Nope!\n" to socket

I'm assuming that means that the password is incorrect. That means that whenever the program jumps to label5 the password is incorrect.

This is where I got confused. rax is set to 0x00 so the program can call sys_read, why the heck would it compare rax to 0x11 afterwards? We know that it's still zero, right?

Well, no. Apparently, system calls store their return value in rax. And sys_read returns the number of bytes read in rax.

I know that the picture above is talking about C, but it's exactly the same for sys_read.

So this code...

cmp rax, 0x11
jne label5

...is checking if the password is 17 characters long. If it's not, then the password is incorrect.

cmp rax, 0x11 ## password has to be 17 characters in length
jne label5 ## jumping to label5 is a fail

The next bit of code checks if the 17th character is a line break. Okay then, the password is 16 characters, but still technically 17. Then, the code turns the line break into a null (so the string is null-terminated) and then starts the actual check.

lea rax, [rbp-0x50] ## rax stores pointer of password (user input given)
cmp BYTE [rax+16], 0x0a ## Again, password is 17 chars, why do you have to check it twice?
                                                ## Well, it's technically 16 with a terminator (line break)
jne label5
mov BYTE [rax+16], 0x00 ## change that line break to a null
jmp label2 ## start of actual check

Great! What's next?

For whatever reason, I decided to input 16 test characters into a program, and set a breakpoint in gdb, so I can analyze what it does.

(gdb) b *label1
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4010fe
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/jordan/CTF-writeups/TJCTF2020/asmr/asmr

jordan@notyourcomputer:~$ nc 1337
Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004010fe in label1 ()

Great! Now let's start debugging.

(gdb) x/100s $rax
0x7fffffffe160: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004010fe in label1 ()
(gdb) x/100s $rax
0x7fffffffe161: "BCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"
(gdb) x/100s $rax
0x7fffffffe162: "CDEFGHIJKLMNOP"

Hm... Wonder what this does.

Looking at the code, it looks like it does a bitwise XOR with each of the chars of the password with 0x69:

    xor BYTE [rax], 0x69 ## xor char with 0x69
    inc rax ## increment pointer
    cmp BYTE [rax], 0x00 ## loop through all chars (null terminated)
    jne label1 ## continue at end of string

I added another breakpoint in label2 after the loop was over in gdb, and printed out the string to double check.

(gdb) disas label2
Dump of assembler code for function label2:
   0x0000000000401104 <+0>: cmpb   $0x0,(%rax)
   0x0000000000401107 <+3>: jne    0x4010fe <label1>
   0x0000000000401109 <+5>: movabs $0x360c1f0605360c1e,%rax
   0x0000000000401113 <+15>:    cmp    %rax,-0x50(%rbp)
   0x0000000000401117 <+19>:    jne    0x401188 <label5>
   0x0000000000401119 <+21>:    movabs $0xc0c10361b041a08,%rax
   0x0000000000401123 <+31>:    cmp    %rax,-0x48(%rbp)
   0x0000000000401127 <+35>:    jne    0x401188 <label5>
   0x0000000000401129 <+37>:    movabs $0x402000,%rdi
   0x0000000000401133 <+47>:    lea    -0x50(%rbp),%rax
   0x0000000000401137 <+51>:    mov    $0x0,%ebx
   0x000000000040113c <+56>:    mov    $0x0,%ecx
   0x0000000000401141 <+61>:    mov    $0x0,%edx
   0x0000000000401146 <+66>:    jmp    0x401163 <label4>
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) b *label2+5
Breakpoint 2 at 0x401109
Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000401109 in label2 ()
(gdb) x/100s $rbp-0x50
0x7fffffffe160: "(+*-,/.! #\"%$'&9"

Would you look at that! That's exactly right! It is an XOR with 0x69 with each character in the password! We can even test this in python:

>>> chr(ord('A')^0x69)
>>> chr(ord('B')^0x69)

We have that down, what's next?

mov rax, 0x360c1f0605360c1e ## It looks like a string comparison
cmp QWORD [rbp-0x50], rax
jne label5
mov rax, 0x0c0c10361b041a08 ## let's use python to decode the password!
cmp QWORD [rbp-0x48], rax
jne label5

On my first attempt making the script, the password was both backwards and the two parts were swapped.

encP = ["0x360c1f0605360c1e", "0x0c0c10361b041a08"] ## encoded password
password = ''

for i in range(len(encP)):
    encP[i] = bytes.fromhex(encP[i][2:])
    for char in encP[i]:
        password += chr(char ^ 0x69) ## bitwise xor with 0x69

$ py sol.py

I knew I was close. But after I realized it was backwards and swapped, it was pretty simple to fix:

encP = ["0x0c0c10361b041a08", "0x360c1f0605360c1e"] ## encoded password
password = ''

for i in range(len(encP)):
    encP[i] = bytes.fromhex(encP[i][2:])
    for char in encP[i]:
        password = chr(char ^ 0x69) + password ## bitwise xor with 0x69

$ py sol.py
jordan@notyourcomputer:~$ nc 1337
Enter password: we_love_asmr_yee
I really appreciate everyone still playing TJCTF. It really means a lot to me. I know this year hasn't been the greatest, and that a lot of what we've done as a team has made people upset. I really wish it didn't have to be this way, but what's done is done.

Here's your flag: tjctf{s0m3_n1c3_s0und5_for_you!!!}

<3 -DM

When you input the password, the program prints out the message and the flag! Very cool!

Flag: tjctf{s0m3_n1c3_s0und5_for_you!!!}

Original writeup (https://github.com/Jord4563/CTF-writeups/tree/master/TJCTF2020/asmr).