Tags: golang rce 


## [Original](https://github.com/crowded-geek/castorsCTFwriteups)

# Shortcuts - Writeup
### Description
A web app for those who are too lazy to SSH in.


## Cracking
- #### Us going to website, we just see a webpage with some ASCII art.
- #### Looking at the source reveals that there is one endpoint in the website called `/list`
- #### Going to the endpoint we see that we can upload some files so this should be RCE (Remote Code Execution)
- #### My friends and I got to know by going to some files on this endpoint that this is related to Golang and we *probably* have Remote Code Execution. So I just wrote a little code in go which would let us execute system commands.

#### grep.go
package main

import (

func main() {
out, _ := exec.Command("ls", "/home").Output()

[This checks the users on this system]

- #### Running this gives us

- #### Now `lsing` into the home gives us some saucy stuff.
- #### Now we just use the `cat` command to get the flag.

Original writeup (https://github.com/crowded-geek/castorsCTFwriteups/blob/master/shortcuts.md).