Tags: misc qrcode
# QR Generator Writeup
### Defenit CTF 2020 - Misc 181 - 82 solves
> Escape from QR devil! `nc qr-generator.ctf.defenit.kr 9000`
#### Observation
Straightforward task. Let me read QRCode with varying size 100 times.
#### Exploit
Iterate below steps 100 times.
1. Parse input and save QRCode as png using [PIL](https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/).
2. Use [zxing](https://pypi.org/project/zxing/) python module for read QRCode data.
3. Send result to server.
for _ in range(100):
p.recvuntil('< QR >\n')
mat = []
firstrow = list(map(int, p.recvline(keepends=False).split()))
height = width = len(firstrow)
for _ in range(width - 1):
row = list(map(int, p.recvline(keepends=False).split()))
assert len(mat) == height
p.recvuntil('>> ')
pwn.log.info(f'width: {width}')
scale = 20
margin = 20
out = Image.new('1', (width * scale + margin * 2, height * scale + margin * 2))
outpx = out.load()
for indX, indY in product(range(width * scale + margin * 2), repeat=2):
pos = indX, indY
outpx[pos] = 1
for indX, indY in product(range(width * scale), repeat=2):
pos = indX + margin, indY + margin
outpx[pos] = mat[indY // scale][indX // scale] == 0
# Save QR
# Read QR
rs = decoder.decode('out.png')
# Send result
Get flag: