Tags: python programming crypto rsa 


This challenge requires solving 100 RSA problems consecutively with maximum 1s for each problem.

There are 6 different types of problems:
- Finding n given p and q
- Finding q given n and p
- Finding d given p, q and e
- Finding phi given p and q
- Finding pt given p, q (or phi), e and ct
- Finding ct given p, q (or phi), e and pt

This is boresome and I only tried at the last minutes. Thereforce I didn't manage to solve it on time.

Anyway, here's the code:

import socket

# Extended Euclidean Algorithm
def egcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)

# application of Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find a modular inverse
def modinv(a, m):
g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
if g != 1:
raise Exception('modular inverse does not exist')
return x % m

def find_pt(p, q, e, ct):
n = p * q
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = modinv(e, phi)
pt = pow(ct, d, n)
return pt

def find_ct(p, q, e, pt):
n = p * q
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
ct = pow(pt, e, n)
return ct

def find_d(p, q, e):
n = p * q
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = modinv(e, phi)
return d

IP = ''
PORT = 23125

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((IP, PORT))

buffer = b''

while True:
# Read until a prompt or line break
chunk = s.recv(4096)
buffer += chunk
print(chunk.decode(), end='')
except BlockingIOError:

if b'\n' not in buffer and not buffer.endswith(b': '):

# Grab the oldest line
buffer = buffer.split(b'\n', 1)
if len(buffer) == 1:
line, buffer = buffer[0], b''
line, buffer = buffer

# Llines start with []
if line[:1] != b'[':

# Use slicing not indexing because indexing bytes returns ints
mode = line[1:2]
vari = line[4:7]
if mode == b'*':
elif mode == b'c':
p,q,e,n,pt,ct,phi = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
elif mode == b':':
if vari == b'p: ':
p = int(line[7:].decode())
elif vari == b'q: ':
q = int(line[7:].decode())
#print('q: ' + str(q))
elif vari == b'e: ':
e = int(line[7:].decode())
elif vari == b'n: ':
n = int(line[7:].decode())
elif vari == b'phi':
phi = int(line[9:].decode())
elif vari == b'pt:':
pt = int(line[8:].decode())
elif vari == b'ct:':
ct = int(line[8:].decode())
elif mode == b'!':
if line == b'[!] A good cryptologist should be faster than that!':
elif line == b'[!] INCORRECT ANSWER!':
elif mode == b'?':
if vari == b'n: ':
n = p * q
s.sendall((str(n) + '\n').encode())
elif vari == b'q: ':
q = n // p
s.sendall((str(q) + '\n').encode())
elif vari == b'd: ':
d = find_d(p, q, e)
s.sendall((str(d) + '\n').encode())
elif vari == b'phi':
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
s.sendall((str(phi) + '\n').encode())
elif vari == b'pt:':
if q == 0:
q = (phi // (p - 1)) + 1
#print('q: ' + str(q))
pt = find_pt(p, q, e, ct)
s.sendall((str(pt) + '\n').encode())
elif vari == b'ct:':
if q == 0:
q = (phi // (p - 1)) + 1
#print('q: ' + str(q))
ct = find_ct(p, q, e, pt)
s.sendall((str(ct) + '\n').encode())


[c] Challenge 100:
[:] p: 6892503881845816135437970025250733877066829303171701023363747158858557273648035991068180509649935204522542306573221659692941997106933628410204032749970179
[:] q: 6892503881845816135437970025250733877066829303171701023363747158858557273648035991068180509649935204522542306573221659692941997106933628410204032749970179
[:] e: 65537
[?] d: c
[!] Correct answer

[F] FLAG: ractf{F45t35tCryp70gr4ph3rAr0und}