
# Warmup

## Read The Rules
Please follow the rules for this CTF!

Connect here:
In source code of rules pages, there is a comment:
``` html

The flag is: `flag{we_hope_you_enjoy_the_game}`

## CLIsay
cowsay is hiding something from us!

Download the file below.
Files: clisay

`clisay` is an ELF, we try to execute is and we get:
$ ./clisay
/ Sorry, I'm not allow to reveal any \
\ secrets... /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||

With `strings` we get:
$ strings clisay
/ Sorry, I'm not allow to reveal any \
\ secrets... /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||

The flag was hidden in the executable

The flag is: `flag{Y0u_c4n_r3Ad_M1nd5}`

## Metameme
Hacker memes. So meta.

Download the file below.
Files: hackermeme.jpg

We can see all metadatas with http://exif.regex.info/exif.cgi

And we see a particular creator :D
XMP: Toolkit Image::ExifTool 10.80
Creator: flag{N0t_7h3_4cTuaL_Cr3At0r}

The flag is: `flag{N0t_7h3_4cTuaL_Cr3At0r}`

## Mr. Robot
Elliot needs your help. You know what to do.

Connect here:

There is a basic website, nothing in source code, so we check the robots.txt file at `url/robots.txt` and we can read:

The flag is: `flag{welcome_to_robots.txt}`

Become the admin!

Connect here:
On website, there is a login form with only unsername field and the message `Login as admin has been disabled`

When we try to log with the username `username`, the message `Sorry, only admin can see the flag.` is show

When we check cookies, we can see a cookie `user` with value `hfreanzr`

`hfreanzr` is just `username` encrypt with `rot 13` algorithm

Then, we replace the value of the cookie by `nqzva` (the `rot 13` of `admin`), refresh the page and the flag is displayed

The flag is: `flag{H4cK_aLL_7H3_C0okI3s}`

## Peter Rabbit
Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose, and he flipped it and he flapped it and it flew away!

Download the file below.
Files: peter.png

There is nothing hide in image

But the colors let thought about Piet esolang: https://esolangs.org/wiki/Piet

So, we execute the image with https://www.bertnase.de/npiet/npiet-execute.php

And the program write the flag: `flag{ohhhpietwastherabbit}`

## Pang
This file does not open!

Download the file below.
Files: pang
The file is a png file but we can't open it

We execute string function on it to see if the file is another thing that a png file, and surprise !
$ strings pang

The flag is: `flag{wham_bam_thank_you_for_the_flag_maam}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/skyf0l/CTF/blob/master/NahamCon_2020/Warmup.md#peter-rabbit).