Tags: warmup 


# Easy Keesy

Author: [roerohan](https://github.com/roerohan)

The file downloaded is a password protected Keepass file. You bruteforce the password using `John the Ripper` and you open the file to see the flag.

# Requirements

- John the Ripper
- keepass2john

# Source

Dang it, not again...

Download the file below.


The file is included in the repo as well: [easy_keesy](./easy_keesy).

# Exploitation

First, we check what kind of a file it actually is. The Linux `file` can be used for this.

$ file easy_keesy
easy_keesy: Keepass password database 2.x KDBX

So, this is a password protected `keepass` file. We're going to use `John the Ripper` to bruteforce the password. But, before that, we need to convert the file into a format `John` can read.

keepass2john easy_keesy > ek

The output from the `keepass2john` tool is now saved in a file `ek`. Now, you just run `john ek` and wait till you get a password. The valid password obtained is `monkeys`.

Now, just open the keepass file, enter the password, and read the flag.

Original writeup (https://github.com/csivitu/CTF-Write-ups/tree/master/NahamCon%20CTF/Warmup/Easy%20Keesy).