## SECCON: exec dmesg
## Challenge details
| Contest | Challenge | Category | Points |
| SECCON | exec dmesg | binary | 300 |
> Please find secret message from the iso linux image.
## Write-up
We find the core-current.iso file in the zip file. And load it up in virtualbox.
If you try to immediately execute 'dmesg' you get an error:
>tc@box:~$ dmesg
>dmesg: applet not found
Tiny core linux uses tce to install software, to find where the dmesg package is located we can use tce-ab:
We can install this package like:
>tce-load -iw util-linux
The dmesg binary is now in /usr/local/bin/
The following command gets us the flag:
>/usr/local/bin/dmesg | grep -i seccon
The flag is: