## SECCON: unzip
## Challenge details
| Contest | Challenge | Category | Points |
| SECCON | unzip | crypto | 100 |
> Unzip the file
## Write-up
In the zip file there are three files:
After some searching we come across the pkcrack utility [here](https://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~conrad/krypto/pkcrack.html). It is able to crack a zipfile if we can abtain a plaintext for one of the files.
Luckily we can find backnumber08.txt and backnumber09.txt online:
- http://2014.seccon.jp/mailmagazine/backnumber09.txt
- http://2014.seccon.jp/mailmagazine/backnumber08.txt
Using these and the pkcrack we can decrypt the files.
For this attack to work the files need to be zipped using the exact same algorithm:
>$ unzip -v unzip
>Archive: unzip
> Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
>-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
> 14182 Defl:N 5288 63% 2015-11-30 08:23 30b7a083 backnumber08.txt
> 12064 Defl:N 4839 60% 2015-11-30 08:22 b93d9a46 backnumber09.txt
> 22560 Defl:N 11021 51% 2015-12-01 07:21 fcd63eb6 flag
>-------- ------- --- -------
> 48806 21148 57% 3 files
After some fidgeting:
>$ zip -6 out.zip backnumber09.txt backnumber08.txt ; unzip -v out.zip
> adding: backnumber09.txt (deflated 60%)
> adding: backnumber08.txt (deflated 63%)
>Archive: out.zip
> Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
>-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
> 12064 Defl:N 4839 60% 2015-12-05 15:56 b93d9a46 backnumber09.txt
> 14182 Defl:N 5288 63% 2015-12-05 15:56 30b7a083 backnumber08.txt
>-------- ------- --- -------
> 26246 10127 61% 2 files
Now that we have the same files zipped but in plaintext pkcrack can preform a known plaintext attack:
>$ pkcrack-1.2.2/src/pkcrack -C unzip -c backnumber08.txt -P out.zip -p backnumber08.txt -d plain -a
>Files read. Starting stage 1 on Sun Dec 6 15:09:15 2015
>Generating 1st generation of possible key2_5299 values...done.
>Found 4194304 possible key2-values.
>Now we're trying to reduce these...
>Lowest number: 984 values at offset 970
>Lowest number: 932 values at offset 969
>Lowest number: 931 values at offset 967
>Lowest number: 911 values at offset 966
>Lowest number: 906 values at offset 965
>Lowest number: 904 values at offset 959
>Lowest number: 896 values at offset 955
>Lowest number: 826 values at offset 954
>Lowest number: 784 values at offset 606
>Lowest number: 753 values at offset 206
>Done. Left with 753 possible Values. bestOffset is 206.
>Stage 1 completed. Starting stage 2 on Sun Dec 6 15:09:26 2015
>Ta-daaaaa! key0=270293cd, key1=b1496a17, key2=8fd0945a
>Probabilistic test succeeded for 5098 bytes.
>Ta-daaaaa! key0=270293cd, key1=b1496a17, key2=8fd0945a
>Probabilistic test succeeded for 5098 bytes.
>Stage 2 completed. Starting zipdecrypt on Sun Dec 6 15:09:49 2015
>Decrypting backnumber08.txt (5315a01322ab296c211eecba)... OK!
>Decrypting backnumber09.txt (83e6640cbec32aeaf10ed1ba)... OK!
>Decrypting flag (34e4d2ab7fe1e2421808bab2)... OK!
Now that we have it unzipped we can just unzip the flag file and open it in libleoffice and change the text color to find the flag: