
# notes (pwn)
###### Creator: Tom Hatskevich

* **Tell to the participators that the challenge running with glibc version 2.31**

### binary compilation:
gcc notes.c -o notes -s
### setup docker container:
sudo docker build --tag notes:1.0 . # build docker image
sudo docker run --detach --publish 12345:12345 --name pwn_notes notes:1.0 # run docker image
sudo docker rm pwn_notes # delete runnig docker image

### Exploit:
* Need to modify the code according to binary location (local/remote)
* ```python
p = remote('', 12345) # remote binary service
#p = process('./notes') # local binary
python2 exploit.py
* Dependencies:
* pwntools

Original writeup (https://github.com/TomHatskevich/TomHatskevich_CTF_Challenges/blob/master/cscml2020/pwn_notes/exploit.py).