Tags: web php-comand-injection 

Rating: 4.5

# Web Warm-up

We are given a url <> which greets us with this PHP script. We want to get contents of a file `flag.php` in this task.



We control a parameter `warmup` which is passed through `eval()` function, and is executed as PHP code.
We can't use any alphabets in over payload, so we use the fact that in PHP, we can use bitwise operators on 2 strings, which will be applied to each of their characters individually. And that function names can also be strings.

We can send this payload as `warmup`, but wriiten as some operation of 2 strings that don't use any alphabets.


We can write a script to generate the payload (`gen.py`) which generates


and use it to get the flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/goswami-rahul/ctf/tree/master/asisctfquals2020/web_warm-up).