
This is PPC problem.

For any i, v, x, we define cnt(i,v,x) as the number of P such that GCD(P)=v and P[i]=x. Then, the answer will be \sum_{i,v,x} cnt(i,v,x) * v * c[x] * i. Because cnt(i,v,x) = cnt(i',v,x), the answer can be written as \sum_{v,x} cnt(0,v,x) * v * c[x] * N*(N-1)/2.

To count cnt(0,v,x), we fix x. Then we check v from N-1 to 1 such that x % v = 0.

Because GCD(P)=v, all elements of P are multiple of v (including 0). The total number of P with multiples of v is ((N-1)//v + 1)^{N-1}. However, this contains some P with GCD(P)=2v, 3v, ..., so we subtract them from earlier calculations.

This algorithm looks working with O(N^2 log N) time complexity (log N is come from harmonic series of subtraction phase).

Original writeup (https://gist.github.com/n-ari/d326b3688f2e452ccaba42033e3655ba).