Rating: 4.0
The problem is:
exploit = input('? ')
if eval(b64encode(exploit.encode('UTF-8'))) == math.pi:
Note that the submitted string will be encoded into UTF-8 and then encoded into Base64.
With Base64 characters, we can write some numbers and operators `0123456789+/`
(and hex `abcdefABCDEFx`, but wasn't used in my solution).
My teammate azon found that these 4-character unit can be passed the above criteria
(written in Base64 characters, can be encoded into UTF-8):
- `[0-3][4-7][014589][0-9+/]`
- `[4-7][4-7][26+][0-9+/]`
With this units, we can write `'340/340+340/340+340/340+776/140/140+340/3400'` and this value is `3.1395918367346938`, for example.
Then we wrote a searching program and got flag.