Tags: rev 

Rating: 3.7

# Too Slow

> I've made this flag decryptor! It's super secure, but it runs a little slow.

Files provided:
* a.out: ELF64 file

Let's run `a.out`:

![alt text](img/screen004.png?raw=true "radare2")

As we can see execution never ends.

So, what we can do is analyzing `a.out` with `radare2`.

This is the `main`:

![alt text](img/screen001.png?raw=true "radare2")

We have to take a look at these instructions:
0x000012df e873ffffff call sym.getKey
0x000012e4 89c7 mov edi, eax
0x000012e6 e89efeffff call sym.win

The return value of `sym.getKey` is passed to `sym.win`.

`sym.getKey` probably performs computationally too long calculations to generate the key, but let's analyze this function to understand if we can discover the real key:

![alt text](img/screen002.png?raw=true "radare2")

We can see that there is a main loop. `var_8h` is the counter firstly initialyzed to 0, and incremented by 1 at each iteration.
Take a look at the last 5 instructions:

│ ╎└─> 0x000012a1 817df8221d5d. cmp dword [var_8h], 0x265d1d22
│ └──< 0x000012a8 76be jbe 0x1268
│ 0x000012aa 8b45f8 mov eax, dword [var_8h]
│ 0x000012ad 5d pop rbp
└ 0x000012ae c3 ret
The loop execution runs until the counter is below or equal `0x265d1d22`, so it means the loop ends when `var_8h` is uqual to `0x265d1d23`.

Because of, at the end of the function, `var_8h` is copied in `eax` and so returned, it means that the correct key value is `0x265d1d23`.

Let's change execution with radare2:

![alt text](img/screen003.png?raw=true "radare2")

I used:
* `aaa` to analyze the executable file
* `dcu main` to execute until main
* `dso 11` to execute until `call sym.getKey`
* `pd 3` to see the address of `call sym.win`
* `dr rip = 0x5640a240c2e6` to jump over `sym.getKey` without executing it.
* `dr rdi = 0x265d1d23` to set in `rdi` the correct key value (`0x265d1d23`)
* `dc` to continue execution

And here's the flag:

Original writeup (https://github.com/Samuele458/CTF-writeups/tree/master/rgbCTF2020/Pwn-Rev/Too_Slow).