
# LYCH King
[Original writeup here](https://ohaithe.re/post/624092576653426688/rgbctf-2020-writeups/)

In retrospect, perhaps this should have been done black-box, like almost everything in this category (ARM1/ARM2/SadRev1/SadRev2) was. But hey, who doesn't want to reverse compiled Haskell?

Yeah, this binary is Haskell that was compiled by GHC. That might be reasonably accessible to you, if you (1) know Haskell, (2) know how STG machines work, and (3) know GHC's conventions for storing thunks and STG type data. I meet, like, 0.5/3 requirements.

Goolging for "Haskell decompiler" quickly turns up [https://github.com/gereeter/hsdecomp] as exactly what we need: a decompiler for GHC-compiled 64-bit executables. Great! Let's try it out!

$ python3 runner.py ../../rgbctf/lych/lich
Error in processing case at c3uZ_info
Error Location: 140
mov rax, qword ptr [rbp + 8]
mov rcx, rbx
and ecx, 7
cmp rcx, 1
jne 0x407d33
add r12, 0x18
cmp r12, qword ptr [r13 + 0x358]
ja 0x407d48
mov qword ptr [r12 - 0x10], 0x407c28
mov qword ptr [r12], rax
lea rbx, [r12 - 0x10]
mov rsi, rbx
mov r14, rax
mov ebx, 0x4bd600
add rbp, 0x10
jmp 0x49cf08

Main_main_closure = >>= $fMonadIO getArgs (\s3mc_info_arg_0 -> $ putStrLn ((\Main_a_info_arg_0 -> !!ERROR!!) (head s3mc_info_arg_0))

The results are a bit disappointing. It got as far as recognizing that the program is printing out some function of the input, but then it errored. How do we handle errors? We comment them out!


Basically forcing the decompiler to plow through broken stuff. (We also fix one incorrect assumption about `jae` being the only branch used in a certain type of case statement.) We definitely don't get correct decompilation, but we get a lot more than before.

Main_main_closure = >>= $fMonadIO
(\s3mc_info_arg_0 ->
((\Main_a_info_arg_0 ->
case == r3jo_info Main_a_info_arg_0 [] of
c3uZ_info_case_tag_DEFAULT_arg_0@_DEFAULT -> zipWith (on (\s3m3_info_arg_0 s3m3_info_arg_1 s3m3_info_arg_2 s3m3_info_arg_3 s3m3_info_arg_4 -> . (\s3m1_info_arg_0 s3m1_info_arg_1 s3m1_info_arg_2 s3m1_info_arg_3 s3m1_info_arg_4 -> fmap $fFunctor-> chr) (\s3m2_info_arg_0 s3m2_info_arg_1 s3m2_info_arg_2 s3m2_info_arg_3 s3m2_info_arg_4 -> xor $fBitsInt)) ord)
((\Main_g_info_arg_0 Main_g_info_arg_1 ->
case == r3jo_info Main_g_info_arg_0 [] of
c3se_info_case_tag_DEFAULT_arg_0@_DEFAULT -> take (length $fFoldable[] Main_g_info_arg_0) (intercalate [] (map (\s3lV_info_arg_0 s3lV_info_arg_1 s3lV_info_arg_2 s3lV_info_arg_3 s3lV_info_arg_4 -> show $fShowInteger) (Main_v_info Main_g_info_arg_1 (length $fFoldable[] Main_g_info_arg_0) (S# 0))))
(S# 1997)
(head s3mc_info_arg_0)
r3jo_info = $fEq[] $fEqChar

Main_v_info = \Main_v_info_arg_0 Main_v_info_arg_1 Main_v_info_arg_2 ->
case == $fEqInteger Main_v_info_arg_0 (Main_r_info Main_v_info_arg_0) of
c3qB_info_case_tag_DEFAULT_arg_0@_DEFAULT -> case >= $fOrdInteger Main_v_info_arg_2 (toInteger $fIntegralInt Main_v_info_arg_1) of
c3qM_info_case_tag_DEFAULT_arg_0@_DEFAULT -> : Main_v_info_arg_0 (Main_v_info ((\Main_p_info_arg_0 -> + $fNumInteger Main_p_info_arg_0 (Main_r_info Main_p_info_arg_0)) Main_v_info_arg_0) Main_v_info_arg_1 (+ $fNumInteger Main_v_info_arg_2 (Main_mag_info Main_v_info_arg_0)))

Main_mag_info = \Main_mag_info_arg_0 ->
case == $fEqInteger Main_mag_info_arg_0 (S# 0) of
c3mD_info_case_tag_DEFAULT_arg_0@_DEFAULT -> case > $fOrdInteger Main_mag_info_arg_0 (S# 0) of
c3mI_info_case_tag_DEFAULT_arg_0@_DEFAULT -> case < $fOrdInteger Main_mag_info_arg_0 (S# 0) of
c3nk_info_case_tag_DEFAULT_arg_0@_DEFAULT -> patError 4871050

Main_r_info = \Main_r_info_arg_0 ->
case == $fEqInteger Main_r_info_arg_0 (S# 0) of
c3oc_info_case_tag_DEFAULT_arg_0@_DEFAULT -> + $fNumInteger (* $fNumInteger (mod $fIntegralInteger Main_r_info_arg_0 (S# 10)) (^ $fNumInteger $fIntegralInteger (S# 10) (- $fNumInteger (Main_mag_info Main_r_info_arg_0) (S# 1)))) (Main_r_info (div $fIntegralInteger Main_r_info_arg_0 (S# 10)))

Even if you know Haskell, this is pretty unreadable, because
* Everything is named very obtusely
* Everything is pretty in prefix notation (e.g. `+ (f X) ((g h) Y))` instead of `f X + g h Y`)
* A good chunk of code is missing.

We can't fix the third part, but we can fix the first two, and use our pRoGraMmErs inTUiTioN to fill in the blanks for the third. Cleaned up:

Main_main_closure = >>= $fMonadIO
(\ARGS ->
((\ARG0 ->
case (ARG0 == "") of
__default -> zipWith (on (. (fmap $fFunctor-> chr) (xor $fBitsInt)) ord)
((\HEAD0 YY ->
case (XX == "") of
__default -> take (length HEAD0) (intercalate [] (map show (Function_V YY (length HEAD0) 0)))
(head ARGS)

String_Eq = $fEq[] $fEqChar

-- Adds X to its digital reversal, repeatedly, in a loop
-- Each time it adds the current number of digits in X to Z, a running counter (starts at 0)
-- Continues until Z exceeds Y, the limit. Y is the length of HEAD0.
Function_V X Y Z =
case (X == (Function_R X)) of
__default -> case (Z >= (toInteger Y)) of
__default -> : X (Function_V ((X + (Function_R X))) Y (Z + (Function_mag X)))

-- decompilation broke down here entirely
-- but based on context, will guess it's the magnitude (Base 10) of A0.
Function_mag A0 =
case (A0 == 0) of
__default -> case (A0 > 0) of
__default -> case (A0 < 0) of
__default -> patError "lich_cipher.hs:(20,1)-(23,15)|function mag"

-- returns R(X/10) + (X%10)*(10^mag(X)).
-- this computes the _base 10 digit reversal_ of X.
Function_R X =
case (X == 0) of
__default -> ( (X mod 10) * (10 ^ ((Function_mag X) - 1))) + (Function_R (X div 10))

So now the operation is pretty clear. It takes a number, 1997, and repeatedly adds it to its own base-10 reversal. It continues this until (a) it reaches a palindromic sum or (b) we have more terms than we have characters in our input string. This is what `Function_V` accomplishes, using `Function_mag` and `Function_R` as components.

Then `intercalate [] (map show ...)` turns these integers into strings and joins them. So for the sequence `1997 -> 1997 + 7991 = 9988 -> 9988 + 8899 = 18887 -> ...`, we get the list `["1997", "9988", "18887", ...]`, and then the string `"1997998818887"...`. The `zipWith ... fmap` structure is a bit obtuse, but we see `xor`, and `HEAD` (the input) and the digit string, so we can guess that it's XORing the input with the magic digit string.

A quick trial of the program confirms this. Wow, so it's just XORing the input with this magic string. Maybe I should have noticed that the program was its own inverse...? Nah.

So, we have encrypted text, and the program undoes itself. But we're told the problem "has been changed very slightly" since it was first written. Two options: patch the program, or reimplement it. Patching it in IDA is easy, since searching for the bytes `CD 07` (1997 in hex) turns it up right away. The relevant instruction is at 0x407C57 for those curious. I try a few different values (1997 is a year, right? So maybe 2020? 2019? 2000? 1996? 1998? Or maybe 2008, the year that the Lich King came out for WoW?) but none work, and it's kind of slow doing this by patching it in IDA over and over.

So I reimplement the code to try a wide variety of seeds:

img = "./lich"

fh = open('./cipher', 'rb')
goal = bytearray(fh.read())

fh = open('./uncipher', 'rb')
other = bytearray(fh.read())

def revDig(num):
while (num > 0):
rev_num = rev_num*10 + num%10
num = num//10
return rev_num

# Function to check whether the number is palindrome or not
def isPalindrome(num):
return (revDig(num) == num)

def getPad(seed):
res = ""
while not isPalindrome(seed) and len(res) < 1000:
res += str(seed)
seed += revDig(seed)
return res

def xor_b_str(a,b):
xored = []
for i in range(min(len(a), len(b))):
xored_value = a[i%len(a)] ^ ord(b[i%len(b)])
return ''.join(xored)

for seed in range(0,2000):
pad = getPad(seed)
out = xor_b_str(goal, pad)

Then `python3 reimpl_lich.py | grep -B1 rgb` gives

Khm'jaeden created the Lich King ages ago from the spirit of the orc shaman Ner'zhul to raise an undead army to conquer Azeroth for the Burning Legion. rgbctf{the flag is just rgb lol} Initially trapped within the Frozen Throne with Frostmourne, the Lich King eventually betrayed Kil'jaeden and merged with the human Arthas Menethil. When Frostmourne was destroyed and Arthas perished, Bolvar Fordragon became the new Lich King, imprisoning the master of the Scourge within the Frozen Throne once more in order to protect the world from future threats.:
Kil'jaeden created the Lich King ages ago from the spirit of the orc shaman Ner'zhul to raise an undead army to conquer Azeroth for the Burning Legion. rgbctf{the flag is just rgb lol} Initially trapped within the Frozen Throne with Frostmourne, the Lich King eventually betrayed Kil'jaeden and merged with the human Arthas Menethil. When Frostmourne was destroyed and Arthas perished, Bolvar Fordragon became the new Lich King, imprisoning the master of the Scourge within the Frozen Throne once more in order to protect the world from future threats.:
Kjc'jaeden created the Lich King ages ago from the spirit of the orc shaman Ner'zhul to raise an undead army to conquer Azeroth for the Burning Legion. rgbctf{the flag is just rgb lol} Initially trapped within the Frozen Throne with Frostmourne, the Lich King eventually betrayed Kil'jaeden and merged with the human Arthas Menethil. When Frostmourne was destroyed and Arthas perished, Bolvar Fordragon became the new Lich King, imprisoning the master of the Scourge within the Frozen Throne once more in order to protect the world from future threats.:
Kkb'jaeden created the Lich King ages ago from the spirit of the orc shaman Ner'zhul to raise an undead army to conquer Azeroth for the Burning Legion. rgbctf{the flag is just rgb lol} Initially trapped within the Frozen Throne with Frostmourne, the Lich King eventually betrayed Kil'jaeden and merged with the human Arthas Menethil. When Frostmourne was destroyed and Arthas perished, Bolvar Fordragon became the new Lich King, imprisoning the master of the Scourge within the Frozen Throne once more in order to protect the world from future threats.:
Kda'jaeden created the Lich King ages ago from the spirit of the orc shaman Ner'zhul to raise an undead army to conquer Azeroth for the Burning Legion. rgbctf{the flag is just rgb lol} Initially trapped within the Frozen Throne with Frostmourne, the Lich King eventually betrayed Kil'jaeden and merged with the human Arthas Menethil. When Frostmourne was destroyed and Arthas perished, Bolvar Fordragon became the new Lich King, imprisoning the master of the Scourge within the Frozen Throne once more in order to protect the world from future threats.:
Ke`'jaeden created the Lich King ages ago from the spirit of the orc shaman Ner'zhul to raise an undead army to conquer Azeroth for the Burning Legion. rgbctf{the flag is just rgb lol} Initially trapped within the Frozen Throne with Frostmourne, the Lich King eventually betrayed Kil'jaeden and merged with the human Arthas Menethil. When Frostmourne was destroyed and Arthas perished, Bolvar Fordragon became the new Lich King, imprisoning the master of the Scourge within the Frozen Throne once more in order to protect the world from future threats.:

and we have a flag. And in fact, a number of other seeds would have worked too, it seems. It was just shortly after solving that I realized why 1997: googling "reverse digits and add" yields [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lychrel_number], which is about the process involved here. 1997 is a seed that generates an (apparently) infinite sequence of numbers. The functioning seeds are all also *Lych*rel numbers, hence the name of the challenge.

Original writeup (https://ohaithe.re/post/624092576653426688/rgbctf-2020-writeups).