
# Forensics

## Gradient sky
Gradient sky is a begginer level ctf challenge which is aimed towards rookies.

File: sky.jpg

$ strings sky.jpg

The flag is: `csictf{j0ker_w4snt_happy}`

## Archenemy
John likes Arch Linux. What is he hiding?

File: arched.png

We can exctract a file from `arched.png` with steghide and an empty passphrase:
$ steghide extract -sf arched.png
Enter passphrase:
wrote extracted data to "flag.zip".

`flag.zip` is an archive protected by a password, we try to crack it:

$ zipCracker/zipcracker.py -f flag.zip -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
3638 / 14344394 | 0.00% -> masones1lndg456ce

Password cracked: kathmandu

Took 2.379971 seconds to crack the password. That is, 1529 attempts per second.

Then, file `meme.jpg` is extracted and we can read the flag on it.

The flag is: `csictf{1_h0pe_y0u_don't_s33_m3_here}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/skyf0l/CTF/blob/master/CSICTF_2020/Forensics.md#archenemy).