
Images on original writeup: [https://lawfulwaffle.com/2020/07/22/csictf-writeups/#archenemy](http://)

This is a classic beginner’s steganography challenge. Steganography, sometimes abbreviated to stego, is any method of hiding a message inside a file. Sometimes, a whole other file can be concealed in an image!

There’s really not much method to figuring out challenges like these. I just know from previous experience that zsteg, jsteg, or steghide would find the concealed information for me. Sure enough, running steghide info arched.jpg reveals an embedded file: flag.zip, which is password protected .

To crack the password, you can run zip2john on the file to get a hash file. Then you can run john on the hash to crack it with the rockyou wordlist. The password is kathmandu

Once you extract the zip file with steghide extract -sf arched.jpg and unzip the file to see the flag on meme.jpg
steghide to extract flag.zip
Bad Luck Brian is an 8 year old meme btw

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Original writeup (https://lawfulwaffle.com/2020/07/22/csictf-writeups/#archenemy).