Tags: whitespace steganography stegsnow 


### Cold War
> Challenge statement:
> A geopolitical activity that is pursued through economic and political actions, propaganda, acts of espionage or proxy wars and without direct military action is known as a Cold War. This type of war does not refer to conflict of seasons, but this challenge might.

1. after downloaded the text file, we realized this challenge is **whitespace steganography**.

2. we can use SNOW program in windows to decrypt it [SNOW Program](http://www.darkside.com.au/snow/) or stegsnow in linux to decrypt it

windows command:
SNOW.EXE -C cold_war.txt

stegsnow -C cold_war.txt


![cold-war result](https://github.com/m0nkeyt3ch/CTFs-Writeups/blob/master/HacktivityCon-CTF-2020/Image/cold-war.png?raw=true)

3. we found the flag is 'flag{do_not_use_merriam_webster}'

FLAG: **flag{do_not_use_merriam_webster}**

Original writeup (https://github.com/m0nkeyt3ch/CTFs-Writeups/blob/master/HacktivityCon-CTF-2020/steganography-part.md#cold-war).