Tags: warmups 


### Read The Rules

> Challenge statement:
> Please follow the rules for this CTF!
> Connect here:
> https://ctf.hacktivitycon.com/rules

1. just open the link and read the rule.

2. They put the clue of the flag in the part of the rules. This is the clue.
> If you look closely, you can even find a flag on this page!

3. I tried to 'inspect' or 'View page source' using google chrome, you can use any browsers. After that you will found the flag in the page source code.

![read the rules result](https://github.com/m0nkeyt3ch/CTFs-Writeups/blob/master/HacktivityCon-CTF-2020/Image/read-the-rules.png?raw=true)

4. we found the flag is 'flag{its_time_to_hack}'

FLAG: **flag{its_time_to_hack}**

Original writeup (https://github.com/m0nkeyt3ch/CTFs-Writeups/blob/master/HacktivityCon-CTF-2020/warmups-part.md#read-the-rules).