Tags: vim vimcrypt 


### Vencryption
> Challenge statement:
> I know the flag is in this file! I just cannot open it for some reason...

1. After downloaded the file, we knew that the file was encrypted by vim
2. To decrypt the message we can use [vim decryptor](https://github.com/nlitsme/vimdecrypt) written by [nlitsme](https://github.com/nlitsme)
3. I used rockyou wordlist and this command to decrypt the text message
python vimdecrypt.py --dictionary /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ~/Desktop/Hacktivity\ CTF/vencrypted.txt
4. After run that command we will get the result like this

![Vencrypted Result](https://github.com/m0nkeyt3ch/CTFs-Writeups/blob/master/HacktivityCon-CTF-2020/Image/vencrypted.png?raw=true)

5. Using vim to open the vencrypted.txt and enter the password you got before

vim encrypted.txt

![Vencrypted opened](https://github.com/m0nkeyt3ch/CTFs-Writeups/blob/master/HacktivityCon-CTF-2020/Image/vencrypted-2.png?raw=true)

6. After we opened it we found the flag is 'flag{sometimes_it_really_do_be_like_that_tho}'

FLAG: **flag{sometimes_it_really_do_be_like_that_tho}**

Original writeup (https://github.com/m0nkeyt3ch/CTFs-Writeups/blob/master/HacktivityCon-CTF-2020/warmups-part.md#vencryption).