Tags: engineering reverse 


Poseidon CTF

The Large Cherries

Upon running the binary, we get this :

Enter the secret for the magic word

And if we enter the wrong password, it gets background. Also trying the debug using gdb gives us a No tracing message<br>

no trace

Also, if we check in Cutter the functions list, we see that there is a ptrace function in the binary, which prevents us from debugging it.<br>

Disassembly of the main function shows the following things :


  1. The string for the first check is taken from the function called magic_word.<br>
  2. Then in the function called magic_word it goes through a series of checks<br>
  3. If we reverse engineer all the checks, the authors name comes as the first password

Upon giving this as the input to the server we get the following : <br>

 nc poseidonchalls.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com 9003
Enter the secret for the magic word: t0m7r00z
Enter the thing that's in my mind

In the second part there is a function called Strcmp which does the following :

ulong Strcmp(long param_1)

  int local_10;
  int local_c;
  local_c = 0;
  local_10 = 0;
  while (local_10 < 10) {
    local_c = local_c + *(char *)(param_1 + local_10);
    local_10 = local_10 + 1;
  return (ulong)(local_c == 0x294);
  1. The loop runs till the length of the string (10).<br>
  2. On each iteration it adds to the previous value.<br>
  3. At the end, it checks if the value is equal to 0x294<br>

In order to debug the binary, you need to bypass the ptrace check, change the jns 0xbd9 to jmp 0xbd9 so that it jumps under all conditions.<br> Also create a file /home/ctf/magic_word.txt so that it doesn't segfault while degbugging locally.<br>

The sum with which it is checked is the sum of the characters of the first password. So the second one cannot be the first password. <br>

So if we enter the t0m7r00z\x00\x01 as our second password :

  1. The first check is done for the first 8 character<br>
  2. The second check is done for 10 character<br>
  3. Therefore enter null character at the 9th position and 0x1 at the 10th<br>

I wrote the following script to debug and get my flag <br>

from pwn import *

context.terminal = ['urxvt','-e','sh','-c']
context.log_level = 'DEBUG'
#for local
#sh = gdb.debug("./Lao-Tzu")
#for remote
sh = remote("poseidonchalls.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com", 9003)
sh.sendlineafter("Enter the secret for the magic word: ","t0m7r00z")
s = b"t0m7r00z\x00\x01"
sh.sendlineafter("Enter the thing that's in my mind: ",s)


Original writeup (https://github.com/dosxuz/CTF-Challenges/tree/master/poseidon_ctf).