
# Search !
![alt text](challenge_description.png)

![alt text](hint1.png)

![alt text](hint2.png)

So basically find account of 'iwd' on the internet.

# Sherlock
Very good tool to find accounts on the internet is: [Sherlock](https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock)

$ python3 sherlock iwd --print-found > accounts.txt

Searching for account `iwd` yielded many results but none of them seemed to give answer to the challenge, so i started from scratch.

# Searching manually
I searched for the official website of the team that made this ctf: [from Sousse, with love](https://www.sousse.love/)
There is a team section showing all team members. Bingo, there he is: [iwd](https://www.sousse.love/authors/iwd/)
He has only FB and Instagram links. Facebook is broken and Instagram doesn't have anything resulting in a flag. But we have his name.

Basis google search yields couple answers. We are looking for social accounts so best matches are LinkedIn (flag not there) and Youtube.

I searched his videos and comments but nothing useful there. He has a Youtube About page. The only interesting thing there is the e-mail. You have to be logged-in and solve a Captcha to view it but there is the flag :)

![alt text](iwd-yt.png)

# Flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/s-3ntinel/writeups/tree/master/ctf/PoseidonCTF_2020/misc/search).