

The CTF Mafia wants to remove the competition (i.e.you) to again have monopoly over flags. Bribe the Mafia to get away unscathed and with the flag.

nc chall.csivit.com 30721

Problem from prob.pdf

Problem Statement:

To bribe the Mafia, you need a lot of money. You can borrow only from one of your 300 friends (numbered 1 to 300) who have 1 to 1000000(both inclusive) bucks, so you want to borrow money from the friend with the most cash.

However, your friends are pretty annoying and only tell you whether they have greater(G), lesser(L) or equal(E) money to a given value.

You can ask a maximum 1000 questions (even less are ok) of the form 1 (friend_number) (value). And finally input the maximum amount of money you can borrow in the form 2 (max_money).


• 1 15 3007 This question asks whether the 15th friend has more, less or equal money to 3007 bucks.

• 2 2000 This indicates that the friend with the maximum money has 2000 bucks.


• Asking more than 1000 questions will end program instantly.

• Entering invalid question or final input will end program instantly.

• Keep friend_number between 1 and 300(both inclusive) and keep value between 1 and 1000000(both inclusive).


My solution was to ask every single one of the 300 people if they have greater, less, or equal money than the average of the min and max possible money. If there are some people that say greater, everyone else that said less are forgotten and aren't interrogated again. The min is moved up to the guess, and a new guess is created, which is the number between the min and the max. If everyone said less (hopefully not, as that is highly unlikely in the first iteration) the max is moved to the guess, and a new guess is generated. This continues until there is one person left and that person says he has exactly that amount of money. (E)

I made a proof script to see if this algorithm will actually work in practice.

f = 300 # friends
q = 1000 # questions
max = 1000000 # max cash
i = 2
cash = 0

while f > 0:
    q -= f
    f = f // 2
    cash += max / i
    i *= 2

print("Ratio of max to cash:", max/cash)
print("Questions remaining after interogation:", q)
$ py proof.py
Ratio of max to cash: 1.0019569471624266
Questions remaining after interogation: 404

Assuming that half of the friends still remaining are removed after each interrogation, there should be an average of 404 questions remaining, which is really good.

This solution doesn't work 100% of the time, it might have been better to make random guess between the min and the max, instead of take the average. This doesn't work when the max money is a very small number, because then this algorithm runs out of questions very quickly. But it works if the max is bigger than half the max, because the guesses are usually a lot better.

Investigating friend 291... 491 questions remaining.
Moving downward!
Friend #: 291, Max money: 712787
[*] Switching to interactive mode
Congratulations you guessed it right, here is the reward: csictf{y0u_ar5_t8e_k!ng_0f_rAnd0mne55}
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

Overall, very fun challenge! This probably was my favorite challenge for this entire CTF!

I would like to thank the organizers for hosting an amazing CTF! All the challenges were very good, and overall I learned a lot! Thank you for hosting this ctf!

Flag: csictf{y0u_ar5_t8e_k!ng_0f_rAnd0mne55}

Original writeup (https://github.com/Jord4563/CTF-writeups/tree/master/csictf2020/mafia).