Rating: 5.0

# Tech Support (Web)

## Introduction

This challenge comes with the following instructions:

> Try chatting with tech support about getting a flag.

> Note: We have received multiple reports of exploits not working remotely, but we triple checked and concluded that the bot is working properly.

> https://typeselfsub.web.ctfcompetition.com/

This URL leads to a website for "Company x":

![Initial screen](img/home.png)

We must regiter to continue:


After logging in, two new URLs are available in the main menu.

![Flag page](img/flag.png)

And https://typeselfsub.web.ctfcompetition.com/chat, where we can send chat messages.

![Chat page](img/chat.png)

The goal of this challenge is to perform an XSS attack on the chat user we are messaging in order to exfiltrate the flag.

## Observations

We will iniate the chat with this message and use [PTS](https://ptsv2.com/) to observe network requests.



Note that "+" has to be encoded as "%2b". We can see that the chat user is currently at `https://typeselfsub-support.web.ctfcompetition.com/static/chat.html`.


We observe that the following pages are located on different subdomains:

* https://typeselfsub.web.ctfcompetition.com/flag
* https://typeselfsub-support.web.ctfcompetition.com/static/chat.html

Due to CORS restrictions, it is not possible to simply have the chat user fech the flag and to pass it to us.

## Exfiltration

Through trial and error, we find the solution in a different approach:




Note that the different parameters in the image are actually part of the [referrer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/referrer). Stitching it back together, we get this URL: https://typeselfsub.web.ctfcompetition.com/asofdiyboxzdfasdfyryryryccc?username=mike&password=j9as7ya7a3636ncvx&reason=

We are now logged in as Mike and can grab the flag:

![The Flag](img/flag-final.png)

Flag: `CTF{self-xss?-that-isn't-a-problem-right...}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/weibell/ctf-google2020/tree/master/tech-support).