Tags: ltrace
Dust off the cobwebs, let's reverse!
This is a simple crackme that utilizes intel intrinsic instruction to hide the flag.
This writeup serves as a document on how I solved this challenge mainly using ltrace.
Using IDA, the binary takes in user input, `v5`, and performs shuffling, addition, xor, eventually resulting `s2`. The value `s2` is compared with v5. If `v5` and `s2` are equal, then it results in the SUCCESS message
In essence, this is what it does.
Sadly I am inexperienced with ANGR and Z3, so instead I have to rely on ltrace to solve it.
Based on some documentation of _mm_shuffle_epi8 _
I noticed each byte of the input is mapped to another index of the input string for the final check.
This implies if we know the correct value of a byte of the input, we could know the correct byte of another byte. Hence the EXPECTED_PREFIX constant can be used to slowly breaking the flag one by one.
Summarizing what I know about the flag:
1. length = 16
2. starts with "CTF{", ends with "}"
Here is how I do it with ltrace.
Feed the binary with these two input:
Here is the result
![alt test](https://github.com/vikychoi/myWriteups/blob/master/reversing/beginner/image-20200829145615910.png)
The input is compared with:
Comparing the two string, some of the characters are the same, `Df0` at index 9
We now know the the 3 byte of the flag starting index 9.
**Repeating the above procedure:**
`CTF{aaaDf0aaaa}` | `CTF{bbbDf0bbbb}`
Get flag: