Tags: jailbreak rbash jail bash 

Rating: 5.0

### JailBoss
###### Description: taskFword.sh is in the same directory as you. Maybe it will help you.


After I found that `.` `?` and `a` were the only three characters allowed and that `a` prints the environment variables, I ran the following command to execute taskFword.sh that the description says is in the same directory:-

. ????????????

Running this command seemed to do nothing helpful but running `a` after this gave us the flag as an environment variable:


A more detailed writeup can be found at [our GitHub repository](https://github.com/FrigidSec/CTFWriteups/tree/master/FwordCTF/Bash/JailBoss)

Original writeup (https://github.com/FrigidSec/CTFWriteups/tree/master/FwordCTF/Bash/JailBoss).