Tags: rev angr 


# FwordCTF 2020

## Welcome Reverser

> 374
> Hello and welcome to FwordCTF2k20 Let's start with something to warmup GOOD LUCK and have fun
> `nc welcome.fword.wtf 5000`
> Author: H4MA
> [`welcome`](welcome)

Tags: _rev_ _x86-64_ _angr_

## Summary

# ./welcome
Hello give me the secret number so i can get the flag:
no Flag for u

Free points with the help of [angr.io](angr.io).

## Analysis

### Decompile with Ghidra

This binary is stripped, so start by searching for `get the flag`:

undefined8 FUN_00101591(void)
char *__s;
undefined8 uVar1;
size_t sVar2;
ulong uVar3;
ulong uVar4;

__s = (char *)malloc(0x10);
puts("Hello give me the secret number so i can get the flag:");
uVar1 = FUN_00101335(__s);
if (((int)uVar1 != 0) && (sVar2 = strlen(__s), sVar2 == 0x10)) {
uVar3 = FUN_00101391(__s);
uVar4 = FUN_00101421(__s);
if (((int)uVar3 + (int)uVar4) % 10 == 0) {
return 0;
puts("no thats not my number:(");
puts("no Flag for u");
return 0;

The `malloc` gives away the size, 16. And the call to `FUN_001012ae()`:

0010165d e8 4c fc ff ff CALL FUN_001012ae

at address `0x165d` is a promising target. I.e. it's not emitting an error before returning.

## Solve


import angr, time, io

binary = open('./welcome','rb').read()
proj = angr.Project(io.BytesIO(binary),auto_load_libs=False)
state = proj.factory.entry_state()
simgr = proj.factory.simulation_manager(state)
print(time.time() - t,end="")
print(" seconds")

Take the first 16 bytes and plug it into `./welcome` and you get the flag, e.g.:

from pwn import *

p = remote('welcome.fword.wtf', 5000)
p.recvuntil('Hello give me the secret number so i can get the flag:')
print(p.recvuntil('FwordCTF{') + p.recvuntil('}'))


WARNING | 2020-08-30 06:12:55,054 | cle.loader | The main binary is a position-independent executable. It is being loaded with a base address of 0x400000.
WARNING | 2020-08-30 06:12:56,025 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | The program is accessing memory or registers with an unspecified value. This could indicate unwanted behavior.
WARNING | 2020-08-30 06:12:56,026 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | angr will cope with this by generating an unconstrained symbolic variable and continuing. You can resolve this by:
WARNING | 2020-08-30 06:12:56,026 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 1) setting a value to the initial state
WARNING | 2020-08-30 06:12:56,026 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 2) adding the state option ZERO_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_{MEMORY,REGISTERS}, to make unknown regions hold null
WARNING | 2020-08-30 06:12:56,026 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 3) adding the state option SYMBOL_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_{MEMORY_REGISTERS}, to suppress these messages.
WARNING | 2020-08-30 06:12:56,026 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | Filling memory at 0xc0000f5d with 195 unconstrained bytes referenced from 0x10002b0 (strlen+0x0 in extern-address space (0x2b0))
10.467919826507568 seconds
[q] Opening connection to welcome.fword.wtf on port 5000
INFO | 2020-08-30 06:13:05,625 | pwnlib.tubes.remote.remote.140285668858064 | Opening connection to welcome.fword.wtf on port 5000 Opening connection to welcome.fword.wtf on port 5000: Trying
INFO | 2020-08-30 06:13:05,689 | pwnlib.tubes.remote.remote.140285668858064 | Opening connection to welcome.fword.wtf on port 50[+] Opening connection to welcome.fword.wtf on port 5000: Done
INFO | 2020-08-30 06:13:05,770 | pwnlib.tubes.remote.remote.140285668858064 | Opening connection to welcome.fword.wtf on port 5000: Done

## Solve with constraints

But what if you wanted just numbers?

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import angr, time, claripy

proj = angr.Project(BINARY, auto_load_libs=False)
flag_chars = [claripy.BVS('flag_%d' % i, 8) for i in range(input_len)]
flag = claripy.Concat( *flag_chars + [claripy.BVV(b'\n')])
state = proj.factory.entry_state(args=[BINARY], stdin=flag)

for k in flag_chars:
state.solver.add(k < 0x3a)
state.solver.add(k > 0x2f)

simgr = proj.factory.simulation_manager(state)
print(time.time() - t, "seconds")


# ./sol_w_constraints.py
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:40:58,794 | cle.loader | The main binary is a position-independent executable. It is being loaded with a base address of 0x400000.
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:41:00,131 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | The program is accessing memory or registers with an unspecified value. This could indicate unwanted behavior.
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:41:00,131 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | angr will cope with this by generating an unconstrained symbolic variable and continuing. You can resolve this by:
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:41:00,131 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 1) setting a value to the initial state
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:41:00,131 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 2) adding the state option ZERO_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_{MEMORY,REGISTERS}, to make unknown regions hold null
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:41:00,131 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 3) adding the state option SYMBOL_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_{MEMORY_REGISTERS}, to suppress these messages.
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:41:00,131 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | Filling memory at 0xc0000f31 with 239 unconstrained bytes referenced from 0x10002b0 (strlen+0x0 in extern-address space (0x2b0))
7.1642327308654785 seconds


# nc welcome.fword.wtf 5000
Hello give me the secret number so i can get the flag:

How about only 1s and 2s?

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import angr, time, claripy

proj = angr.Project(BINARY, auto_load_libs=False)
flag_chars = [claripy.BVS('flag_%d' % i, 8) for i in range(input_len)]
flag = claripy.Concat( *flag_chars + [claripy.BVV(b'\n')])
state = proj.factory.entry_state(args=[BINARY], stdin=flag)

for k in flag_chars:
state.solver.add(k < 0x33)
state.solver.add(k > 0x30)

simgr = proj.factory.simulation_manager(state)
print(time.time() - t, "seconds")


# ./sol_w_constraints.py
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:43:38,363 | cle.loader | The main binary is a position-independent executable. It is being loaded with a base address of 0x400000.
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:43:39,670 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | The program is accessing memory or registers with an unspecified value. This could indicate unwanted behavior.
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:43:39,670 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | angr will cope with this by generating an unconstrained symbolic variable and continuing. You can resolve this by:
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:43:39,670 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 1) setting a value to the initial state
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:43:39,670 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 2) adding the state option ZERO_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_{MEMORY,REGISTERS}, to make unknown regions hold null
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:43:39,670 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 3) adding the state option SYMBOL_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_{MEMORY_REGISTERS}, to suppress these messages.
WARNING | 2020-09-02 04:43:39,670 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | Filling memory at 0xc0000f31 with 239 unconstrained bytes referenced from 0x10002b0 (strlen+0x0 in extern-address space (0x2b0))
7.7123801708221436 seconds


# nc welcome.fword.wtf 5000
Hello give me the secret number so i can get the flag:

Original writeup (https://github.com/datajerk/ctf-write-ups/tree/master/fwordctf2020/welcome_reverser).